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Old 05-21-2024, 04:19 PM   #331
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Puyallup, WA
Originally Posted by RainMaker View Post
Echo chambers suck but why is the sharpie thing supposed to matter? It was a dumb, sort of funny thing that ended up being inconsequential. Out of all the legitimate criticisms of Trump, I don't get why there is such a huge focus on inconsequential stuff like whether he farted in court or threw ketchup against the wall. I get that plays with MSNBC viewers but do average citizens really give a shit if they can't find affordable housing or have 6-figure student debt?

It was another board where it came in passing as a joke and the right wingers didn't get it. Once linked they called it obscure and none of them had apparently heard of it.

It's not a big deal, but it's is an example of how certain things just aren't covered by the same networks that make ice cream and tan suits the end of decomracy.
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