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Old 12-20-2024, 12:44 PM   #68
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Turn 1 – I lose init 6-5. We have one hex pass in the roughly middle of the south I set up m heavy stuff to smash into like Atlas and BattleMaster and Banshee with that big tank under us. I move Wolfhound next to their Maxim. A Spider bases our PXH on the west flank. It’s +6 tohi for my long range support due to Forests. I split west flank fire with the Spider, Brutus and Rifleman. Center flank their Zeus. +0 to hit. Saracen on the east flank target. Their Marauder hit our Demolisher and gave it +1 PSR. Our Von Luckner hits their Zeus’s gyro once. Our Zeus hit their Saracen and it’s immobile. Their Zeus falls the pilot blacks out after 3 hits.

Turn 2 – We lose init 6-5 again. They eject the Saracen. They back up their right flank. Center flank on their JagerMech. Scouts on the Brutus again if they can see it. A few randomly at the Pike. I try to decapitate the Zeus. Our JagerMech stuns their Pike crew for two turns. Our Crusader ignites the AC ammo on their JM, boom!!! Dead mech! Their Zeus still alive. We started a fire in it’s hex though.

Turn 3 – We lose init 10 to 12. They leap their PXH next to ours. Our Javelin behind their Brutus. Spider next to it, PXH next to the Spider. Our Enforcer bases their other Saracen. Drillson in our Grasshopper’s rear. Long range fire on the Spider, scout mechs on the Brutus, I fire at the Marauder on the east flank. It’s more durable than the JagerMech, and it’s behind a hill. And I still need to split fire with decapitating the Zeus.

Our Archer hits the engine 2 on their Spider
Our Valkyrie drops their Brutus speed -1, Our Jav another -1
Their MAD another -1 movement on our Demolisher
Our Banshee hits their Zeus gyro once more and then engine once. Dead Zeus!
Their Drillson -1 movement our Behemoth and jammed our turret
We stun their Pike for another round

Turn 4 – With their CO dead I am giving them one turn of revenge to turn this around. We win init 10-4. They turn the Brutus. I move out my Archer. Their MAD moves further behind the hill. Their Spider retreats. Our Awesome bases their Drillson. Valkyrie and Hopper near the Brutus. Our Zeus bases their MAD. Everything that sees their MAD targets it.

Our Atlas destroys the MAD’s LA, hits the AC5 ammo in the KLT, boom, dead mech!!!
Our Jav drops the movement on their Pike -2; stuns crew another 2 rounds
Our Anti-Mech infantry hit the LL in their Stinger and two leg actuators
Our Grasshopper immobilizes their Brutus!!!
Our Demolisher hits the Pike another -1 movement
Our Behemoth – destroys it.
Our Hunch -2 movements their Drillson
Our Ontos destroys the side of their other Saracen.
Their Stinger fell
Nothing else wounded from our Zeus and Awesome kicks on their Drillson and Goblin.

With none of our tanks even immobile and none of our mechs with a missing arm, they flee.


Zeus with 2 gyro hits; 1 engine, hit LRM15.

JagerMech - RA, H, LL
Marauder – H, RA, RT


Saracen - immobile
Brutus – Immobile
Pike - -3 movement, not salvageable.
Saracen – not salvageable


Demolisher – fix engine, -1 movement
Behemoth - -1 movement, unjam turret

They are going to reloads, rearmor and join the company. Remember this is the one with the rented Mule. We load up some goods with our infantry and carry with arms of mechs, have fighter support to keep them off our backs, and then load up and blow up the base with explosives planted by our infantry.
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