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Old 12-31-2024, 12:18 PM   #111
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
We are on the city map here too with tons of concrete and such, but few roads. No major course correcting buildings, I set up my smashes four hexes wide inside of behind the Atlas Spear since it’s got so much more armor.

Turn 1 – I lose init 7-5. Their Scorpion next to my Vedette. Their Locust next to my two Maxims. Condor in its rear arc. On the right flank, I fire at the short range Scorpion or long range Hunchback. Our Center flank the Hunchback too and then short range can still reach the Scorpion. On the left flank the long range Urbie is my short range target at 77 to 9 hexes away, the long range one is the Whitworth. Our Behemoth hits the H and sensors and life support on the Hunchback. Our Archer blows off the RL on the ground. Then hits the gyro twice, and engine twice too. Dead mech!!! Our Manticore destroys the CT, it’s not salvageable. Their Whitworth needs an 8 to keep standing, makes it. No falls from melee

Turn 2 – We win 5-4. They jump the WW hops into the corner. I flank my hover stuff down the right flank to their BJ. Condor behind their Commando. Our PXH bases it too. Wolfhound behind the Scorpion and next to it. Jenner by their Commando, and the other in the Scorpion’s rear arc. Our Griffin next to their Shadow Hawk. Left flank their Whitty targeted. Right flank and hover at the BJ. Central push on their Victor.

Our Hatchetman destroys their Whitworth’s LL; our Catapult it’s LT, LA on the ground
Our Crusader cracks its gyro and engine once each.
Our Maxim gets a limb blown off the Bj’s RA
Our Archer destroys it’s CT, dead Mech!!!
Our Striker hits the Victor’s gyro three times, dead mech!!
Our Brutus destroys it’s CT,< not salvageable
Their Whitworth fell and hit it’s engine once more.
They stunned our Behemoth for a round
Melee time! No falls

Turn 3 – We lose init again 8-6, They eject their Whitworth! Do I back up or base with my center flank? They haven’t really touched me. My two BattleMasters and Atlas were savaged by two rounds in last game, but they are fast with better medium and short range stuff, so I back up to force them out and to stop them surrounding me with back attacks. Their Stinger bases our Vedette. They hop their Firestarter next to our Maxims. Do I leap my Hatchetman next to their 2 Urbies and Wasp? But it's close to everyone else, nope. I back it out. Jenner next to their wounded slightly Commando. Our PXH next to their Stinger on the Vedette. I fire right flank at the Charger in the woods, the center flank at the Quickdraw for long range and Firestarter close, and left flank the UrbanMech and FS too. I’d love to leg and destroy three of the Charger, FS, Urbie and QD. Their Spider behind our Centurion.

Our PXh hit the foot actuator on their Charger 1L
Our Archer hits the ammo on their Quickdraw, dead mech.
Their Centurion hits our PPC and shoulder on our BattleMaster.
Our BattleMaster destroys the LL on their Firestarter.
Their Charger 1L fell and the pilot blacked out
Their Urbie barely touched despite it being +1 to hit to the FSs +3.
We kick their Stinger with our PXH and destroy its RL
Nothing else happens.

We agree to give them the Charger pilot and then they us the mech. They eject the FSsr and Stinger.


Whitworth missing LL, LT, and 1 gyro and 2 engine hit each – current value, 2.4 mill - to repair 500k – see below
Charger 1L – foot hit
Stinger 3G destroyed RL
Firestarter FS9-A destroyed LL – current value 2.65 mill, to fix 350k

Blackjack RA, H, LT, LL, LA
Hunchback RL, LL, H
Victor – RT, LT, H, Rl, LL, LA
Quickdraw – RA, LL, H

We fix the Whitworth gyro on the 3rd try in 6 days and then the engine in 2 days. The Charger 1L is back and running today. I have in salvage a WW LL and fix in and then it’s a 40 ton, so do I have a 40 ton LT? That’s Vulcan, Assassin, Clint and Cicada and Sentinel weight, too. Nope, none in storage. That’s 500k after. Do I have the RL for the Stinger and LL for the Firestarter? I do have the Stinger and fix it. Nope to the FS. It weighs 35 tons, the same as a Jenner, Panther, Wolfhound and Raven. None stored.


BattleMaster – PPc, shoulder actuator

Fixed today!

Levels Up:

Mitch Raymond, Archer pilot, he’s now elite!
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