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Old 01-10-2025, 12:48 AM   #162
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Aug 13, 3027 – We spend two days fixing, repairing, rearming and scouring for battlefield salvage, we found 625k.

We blast to the JumpPoint to hit the Pirates home base,

Aug 21, we leave Rollis!

Aug 28 – We arrive in a system two jumps away the homes of a company of Pirates according to CC intel. We arrive here at the Zenith JumpPoint and then begin scanning. Here there is an Invader JumpShip at the Nadir JumpPoint with nothing attached. We head to the planet

Sept 2 - At the planet are a Union and Leopard CV with 8 fighters and that’s against our 8 fighters, Leopard CV and Avenger and 2 Aquairii too. We…savage their Union, it flees to their JumpShip, we destroy their Leopard CV and… I tossed a 7 not salvageable. We destroy all of their fighters save two that fled to the Union.

Battle Loss - We lost three fighters, one permanently at a value of 3.2 mil and then the other two for a cost of 1.2 mil. We spend 2.2 mil to recover 3 of theirs to be up two. Battle Damage of 4.5 mill.

We found 2.6 mill in battle damage salvage.

We land at their HQ, and here is a cargo Mule. We use our fighters to confirm their numbers, done. A company! But…they are a bit unusual…

Here they are:

Crockett – CRK-5003-0 – Star League era mech with down tech of 3/5/3, 263 armor, AC10, 2 SRM6s, 2 LL, 2 SL, 15 sinks
Highlander 732 – vet Star League era mech with Gauss Rifle, 2 ML, SRM6,LRM20, 3/5/3 movement, max armor with ferro fib
Bombardier – BMB12D – Star League era mech with 2 LRM20, SRM4 ,and Anti-Missile system, 10/20 sinks, 200 armor
Guillotine 4L – We’ve fought this and have one
Crab CRB 20 – Medium Mech from Star League down tech, 2 LL, 1 ML and SL, 16 sinks, 5/8 movement and 148 armor.
Kintaro KTO-18 - Medium down tech Star League with mech with 5/8 movement, 3 SRM6 , LRM 5, and 2 ML, 176 armor, 10 sinks
Starslayer STY2C – Star League era mech, NOT Downtech, 5/8/5, 125 ferro fib armor, 11/22 heat, 2 LL, 2 ML, 1 SL, SRM4
Wyvern WVY6N – Star League low tech, 4/6/4 12 sinks, 136 armor, with LRm10, LL, SRM6 and two SL
Hermes 1S _- Star league scout mech, actually that, with endo, ferro, 9/14 movement, 2 ML, 1 flamer, 89 armor.
Mercury MCY98 – Star league down tech 8/12 basically a Locust IE.
Ostscout – 8/12/8 scout with a ML
Thorn THE-F – Star league light mech with down tech of 2 ML, LRM5, 64 armor, 6/9 and 10 sinks

It looks like someone found a Star League storage depot here!

Bold are Star League era stuff.

This is their Highlander – a classic of that bygone era!!!

I’d love that Highlander, Kintaro, Crockett, Starslayer and even that Bombardier
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Last edited by Abe Sargent : 01-10-2025 at 12:49 AM.
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