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Old 01-19-2025, 12:01 PM   #200
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Turn 1 - I set up on the west side, they on the east. I have my Banshee in the center position flanked by BM and Charger 1A5. Their mass stuff on the south flank, just the Stalker and a few lights and mediums in the north. They win init 11-7. I charge 5. Their BM doesn’t charge me on the south flank but heads south. I fire at that BM with a +2 to hit. An SRM Missile hits the head of it, it falls, and gets knocked out. Chance for killing it with head shots

Turn 2 – We win init this time, 8-7. I get near their grounded BM to shoot it’s head in. Our Charger BM and Thunderbolt base it. Our Banshee bases their Stalker. I need to keep it distracted. Their Archer bases my Charger’s flank. Our Goliath to it’s rear our CRD to it’s flank, no kicks. Their Vulcan and Wolverine in the top base our Banshee. Our Dervish to the Wolverine’s flank. Our Vulcan in their Archer’s flank with jumps. Our Catapult to their Wasp’s rear. Our Locust to their Wasp and flank of Wolverine, their Shadow Hawk bases our Catapult. Our Jav to their Vulcan’s rear. I focus fire in the south on the BM if it’s aimed like lasers or ballistic. Everything else into that Archer there. Weapons fire on the north on that Stalker or rear arcs they’ll always win. Our BattleMaster destroys it’s head. Our Warhammer blows off the RA of the Stalker on the ground. Their Stalker stood and needed a 9. We kick their Stalker, Vulcan and Archer to the ground, they kick our Catapult to it. No legs lost. They destroy our Banshee’s RA.

Turn 3 – This is their turn of vengeance. We keep init 11-9. Our BM bases their Marauder. Their Archer rises. I base it with my Thunderbolt in it’s left where it’s savaged LL is left with 15 internal armor, for kicks and such too. I get up and back up my Catapult. Their Stalker hulls down. Our Crusader to their Archer’s rear. Our Charger bases their Marauder our Vulcan it’s rear. Their Vulcan rises. For my Banshee I have just 3 internal left on the LL and the destroyed RA. I eject it. Our Locust next to their Vulcan’s left flank with the bad LL. Their Wasp hops on a building, with the savaged Legs, our Jav leaps up after. I split fire with the Archer, Marauder on the south and at the Stalker on the north save for the Locust at their Vulcan.

Our Tbolt hit the hip on the LL of their Archer. It stands
Our Goliath hit their Stalker’s H, dead mech!!!
Our Warhammer hit the ammo and it explodes and isn’t salvageable
Their Valkyrie hit a foot on our Warhammer’s leg.
We dropped their Archer to 2 internal on the LL. Their Marauder stands.
Melee time!!!
Our TBolt kicked and legged their Archer’s LL.
Our BM kicked, destroyed their Marauder’s LL, it went to the Lt, hit the ammo and explodes, dead mech!!
Our Javelin legged their Wasp’s LL on the ground.
Our Locust kicks their Vulcan to ground, on the way it hits the savaged LL and breaks it, legged mech.

With two Assaults dead, one heavy dead and the other on the ground and a pair of legged scouts, they call it. They eject the Vulcan, Wasp, and Archer and leave. We have won the field of battle with half of them savaged, or missing legs.


Marauder RA, H, LA, RT
Stalker RA, LA, RL

BattleMaster 1G – Missing H, see below
Archer 2S missing LL; see below
Wasp 1A missing LL; see below
Vulcan 5T missing LL; current value – 3.108 – to fix 450k

Lots of LLs taken out!!! Do we have a BM head in storage? Nope! Any other 85 tonners? That’s Longbows and also other Stalkers, but that didn’t have a head salvaged. We have another Stalker Head, yup! Archer leg? Yeah we have one in Archer2K style, it’s ready. Wasp left leg? Nope, other 20 tonners like Stinger? Nope but Locust yes. It’s ready. Vulcan 5T’s LL? Nope other 40 tonners? Nope! I spend 450k to fix it. We grabbed a BM, Archer and Vulcan!!!


Banshee missing RA; Battle Loss cost – to fix 900k.
Warhammer foot actuator

Do I have a spare RA for our Banshee? Got it! Fixed!!!
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