There's a mouse-over for what the attributes control. Nothing's hidden. It's hard to say what mix of defensive attributes matter in what percentages - that's dependent on what you're trying to do. Even the AI teams look at them differently in some cases.
I think you're right that there should be more written about coaching attributes. The text files in the data folder are meant to be a manual supplement, but since the coach files do not include ratings, those are absent and it isn't as clear as it should be what matters for coordinators versus head coaches.
Going back to UI - I'd be interested, nfg22, if you could provide examples of your work as a programmer and how you found a Qt expert and how that integration worked.
Since I spent a lot of time with Qt and the styling is all configurable, the advantages of a well-programmed resizing algorithm are apparent, but its rigidity of architecture and slow speed drove me crazy. I initially wanted to stick with it, but when you're dealing with 200 screens - and the data modeling requirements mean so much extra work for anything that's built differently... I felt I was spending more time on the UI than rewriting the game. It saved a lot of time to finally scrap Qt and start over on the interface and I think, with proper use of threading, FOF9 is much faster.
I've written a lot about the difficulty in expanding my company to a second person, so I'm interested in your experience, given your strong opinions about how (expletive deleted) my work is, so I hope you read what I wrote at the time - it's on a couple of the items - and are specific about what you have done differently.
We can agree to disagree on the text issue. It is undoubtedly related to my choice of development platform and desire to keep the game working back to Windows 8, but it's so easy to change the font if you have a higher-resolution monitor that I don't think it's a huge deal. My philosophy of interface, such as that is, revolves around the ListCtrl. That's what makes sims like this possible. If you're going to play for hundreds of hours, you're going to get more benefit from being able to choose the font yourself from what you have on your computer. I could write thousands of lines more about this, but I think I made the right choice given that I don't have a UI programmer or a staff. Your response, however, makes me question whether I should try and run a detection specific to Windows 10/11 and increase font size for higher res monitors only on 10/11. If that's the main reason behind the (expletive deleted) commentary, at least.