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Old 04-09-2004, 10:08 AM   #26
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Annapolis, Md
Originally Posted by Axxon
They're all synonyms. While the differences in the above examples may be clearer to the average person, I think some of us are saying we recognize that there are differences in the various curse word synonyms and choose the word that most closely matches what meaning we're trying to get across.

But there's obviously a differene between choosing between two very similar words because one is a somewhat better fit, and choosing to use a "toned down" euphemism for a curse word, rather than the curse word itself.

Actually, in conversation yesterday, the best cae of this I could imagine came up when someone referred to "B.S." We all knew, of course, what B.S. stood for -- so it was clear in everyone's mind that he was talking about the exact same matter as if he had stated the two words. And honestly, B.S. doesn't roll off the tongue - it's obviously not an abbreviation of convenience.

This isn't picking a synonym for accuracy - it's picking an abbreviation to be respectful.

And my question is -- if your audience knows that you're still referencing the objectionable words/meaning/act, then why should that be any less objectionable?
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