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Old 07-13-2004, 05:42 PM   #153
College Prospect
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Michigan
Nightion didnt feel that usual tingling on the back of his neck, but the others were surely acting apprehensive...Searching in the trees and high grass, the Ranger's keen eyes found nothing.

"If enemies lie in wait, they do so blended in, but this is thier for give the pun, "neck of the woods". i suspect we will have ample time to bring our arms to bear if thier are troubles"

Nightion returned to scanning what was in front of him...Strange he thought how some of the group were already bickering with one another, as if they were all ten and boasting of who can pee farthest. He did agree that he cared nothing of Azarans, but always taking things in balance, he realized he hadnt had a meaningful conversation with one eithier..... No, he would not be predjudice to anyone in the group unless they gave him reason....Nightion nodded to himself, his conclusion satisfying him...He focused his attention on the trail
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