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Old 07-30-2004, 07:16 AM   #333
wade moore
Join Date: May 2001
Location: williamsburg, va
GREAT analysis!

I feel like this year was a huge stride for the merchantmen, and that it will continue into next year. Possibly more so than any other IHOF team, you have a core of young players that really developed throughout this season.

I think with the right off-season you should be able to make the playoffs next year. To me, the main thing that you have to make sure you do this off-season is get some value for the skilled veterans that you have sitting the bench. You don't have draft picks, but you could stack some up with these guys. Aubrey in particular should provide a good value on the open market. You need to make sure he does not just dwindle away until his contract runs out with him on the bench, but instead get something out of him.
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Originally Posted by Subby
Maybe I am just getting old though, but I am learning to not let perfect be the enemy of the very good...
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