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Old 11-15-2004, 10:51 AM   #165
H.S. Freshman Team
Join Date: Aug 2004
The clues all refer to members of the Baseball Hall of Fame. The numbers in parentheses are their "primary" uniform numbers (here and here). I now anticipate some confusion arising from these...

Magnificent Offspring Offspring
Splendid Splinter, or TED WILLIAMS. (9)

Golden Gate next for Donald?
Bridge Trump, also known as RUFFING. (15)

It's been 13 years, Elizabeth.
Since the death of Red FOXX. (3)

A nickname for the young John?
REGGIE could be short for Reginald Dwight, aka. Elton John. (44)

If he could only get his hands on the oil money...
The Beverly Hillbillies' Mr. DRYSDALE. (53)

Can't you hear his heart beat?
Or Can't You Hear My Heart Beat, by HERMAN's Hermits. (2)

Blue eyed, dressed for any situation
Situation, by the group YAZ. (8)

Personified by Music
Lorenzo Music was the voice of CARLTON the doorman on Rhoda. (32)

After killing him, the illegitimates might write this.
They killed Kenny! Those bastards! RIP, KEN. (8)

Nickname by Funkytown?
For Leo the Lip (Lipps, Inc.) DUROCHER. (2)

Very sinister, Mr. Astin.

Griffith series down south, but not the obvious.
Melanie was in the cast of CARTER Country. (8)

Womanly ideal of Roosevelt's heyday.
The GIBSON Girl. (45)

Norman's bathroom scene only slightly more shocking than one here.
Norman Bates in Psycho, or Kathy Bates in About SCHMIDT? (20)

The kiss/hug lines all stand for numerical (or string) operators. Hugs and kisses may be written as O's and X's, which can then be converted to binary. Eventually, we can arrive at the operator through a number of conversions:

Kiss! = X = 1 = 1 = A = Addition
Kiss kiss! = XX = 11 = 3 = C = Concatenation
Kiss hug hug! = XOO = 100 = D = Division
Kiss kiss, hug, kiss! = XXOX = 1101 = 13 = M = Multiplication
Kiss hug hug kiss kiss! = XOOXX = 10011 = 19 = S = Subtraction

If you then write the numbers from the clues along with the operators, you get:

9 x 15 / 3 + 44 x 53 + 2 . 8 x 32 x 8 / 2 - 11 x 8 - 45 x 20

When evaluated ( /x > +- > .), the result is 237936. This is the key to What has been written here - which is FOFC itself. The first word of post number 237936 is Spongebob, the answer to the puzzle.

The FOFC Enigma is a self-repeating puzzle system. If you know the answer to the current puzzle, sign on to FOFC with the username "enigma" using the answer (in all lower case letters, with no spacing) as the password. If you're right -- you control the enigma, and may post the next puzzle under that username. The person who solves the enigma should post in the puzzle thread noting both the fact that the puzzle is solved, as well as the solution to the puzzle.

Last edited by enigma : 11-15-2004 at 10:55 AM. Reason: add quotes
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