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Old 12-13-2004, 09:28 AM   #48
High School JV
Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: Massachusetts
The amazing thing to me is that they do this amazing bit of misdirection each year that doesn't make you feel used, but makes you feel stupid for not seeing it all along.

This year it's "H"amsterdam, which I had anticipated being involved much more heavily in the climax of the season 3 arc. Granted, with one episode to go, it still could be, but my guess is that Hamsterdam will live on as the connection to Season 4 (should there be one), where the mayoral race will take the forefront.

The other bit of misdirection was all of the talk about Season 3 being about politics, which you immediately associate with Carcetti, Daniels' wife, and the selectmen and mayor races.

But the poltical angle in this season wasn't really about the actual political race. It was the politics that go on inside the po-lice. The stuff between Colvin and Carver, with Carver throwing his lot in with Colvin. Herc narcing on Colvin to the paper. McNulty and Daniels issues. The stuff with Prez and the other cops.

Just a great show with so many layers that you start to notice more and more stuff as you think back. If it's not renewed for another season, I might just drop HBO in protest, even if Deadwood was stellar this past season.
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