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Old 03-15-2005, 12:05 AM   #66
Pro Starter
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Troy, NY
For the first time, I've tried an EPL career. I'm using my favourite team, Palace, so it's a real challenge!

At the new calendar year in my first season, we're above the relegation line, in a dogfight with 5 other teams! I haven't made many acquisitions, as I don't have much money to spend.

Managing a big club is just as if not more challenging than controlling a small club! With a small club you don't even have to worry about splitting up your money - if you see someone who is good, you pay as much as possible for them. With a big(ger) team, you need to really use some foresight. Just because you have the money to spend, doesn't mean you can spend it.

Also, contract decisions are tougher. You can't always just bring back your best guys at all costs like you can in the lower leagues. Additionally, sometimes you need to sell guys who are 2nd-tier -- not starting quality, but also players you'd like to keep around. These guys are worth so much, though, that sometimes it really is necessary to take the money and run.

With my Palace team, I have some contracts that are expiring that I don't know if I should renew or not. Just like in real life, Vasilis Lakis is so inconsistent. Some games, he'll give a MoM type effort, just blazing trails up and down the right side of the pitch. Others, he looks clueless and is a waste of space. Ditto (to a lesser extent) for Wayne Routeledge. Nicola Ventola, a pesky Italian striker, has been just the same way. In fact, Gabor Kiraly, Joonas Kolkka, and Andy Johnson (is this the same Andrew Johnson that's been with Leicster for a while in your universe???) are the only guys who have been truly professional for me.

I've brought in a Norweigan, Frode Jonsenn, whose value has approximately doubled when arriving with our team. I signed him for L1.5MM -- now he's valued @ L4.3MM. I hope he can be a great strike partner for AJ up top! Ventola has not shown the ability or will to step it up game after game as an elite striker.

Sorry for going off on a tangent, just thought I'd try to relate how I think it is just as or more difficult to manage a (relatively) big club [Premiership level] than it is a lower league side!!!

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