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Old 04-28-2005, 12:24 PM   #42
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Colorado
Monopoly has been a favorite of mine since the 1960s. There was a classic strategy book written in the 1970s that I still of a guy who wrote a FORTRAN program simulating the game and then running it 1000 times to isolate changing conditions. One of the things that the book impressed me the most, besides a definitive qualitative analysis of property values and their ROI, is the importance of trading. Not just straight-up trading but very clever conditional trades - usually to give more of an advantage to the better (and the ones that KNOW THE RULES) over those less so. As far as personal strategies, I can't count the number of times I have won just by owning the Orange monopoly and the RRs. Those are the best ROI properties in the game - if you get them in the middle game (the late game puts more values on the expensive properties, esp. Yellow and Green).
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