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Old 05-16-2005, 02:12 PM   #24
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Fantasyland
Originally Posted by Desnudo
I'm loving your indignation over people's lack of RAM.

As for FM, reduce the database size. That has the largest impact on processing speed. So if you've got 128MB or 256MB, then run on Small for sure.

Sorry, I'm just amazed that some folks run with that little RAM. It's such a small investment to keep your PC running "acceptably" for another year or so. Best Buy is selling a 256MB PNY 2700 RAM stick right now for $40 - before rebates. For someone running a 1.5G processor, a RAM stick (to get to 512MB) and a decent video card will let them play virtually every game on the market.

Of course, I've been playing the CM/FM series for a few years now and know how much of a memory hog it truly is. I couldn't imagine trying to play FM with 128 or 256.

I'm not trying to be indignant or put anyone my apologies if anyone took offense.
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