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Old 07-04-2005, 07:47 PM   #1
Head Coach
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Michigan
EHM: The New Great Debate

Since the last World U-20 Tournament, people (namely American's) have been very vocal in their love of Phil Kessell, and rightfully so. Kessell has it all, and played like a seasoned vet even though the American team played horribly. Soon the debate waged on, who is better.. Sidney Crosby or Phil Kessell?

It's America vs Canada yet again, and now I'll find out.

Using my EHM Hurricanes game, I am going to start comparing the two players. Crosby will reach the NHL first, with Kessell a year behind him. I presently am in January of my game, so we have a bit of a ways to go to see who wins the Crosby lottery, but next year, I think we'll have our own Kessell lottery.

The great debate starts pronto.

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