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Old 09-04-2005, 10:27 AM   #1
Pro Starter
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Parañaque, Philippines
Werewolf XV: Round 'Em Up And Hang 'Em!

If people are still interested. Need about 20+ players.


Day Phase: During the Day Phase, the players vote for a character to be locked up inside the cage. Or if the judge is locked-up, vote to lynch someone. (Deadline: 9PM EDT)
Jail: If someone is sent into jail, that person's role is not revealed. That person will still be able to speak, but he will not be able to vote. People sent into Jail lose their night ability. If people are removed from Jail, they regain their night abilities. If the Judge dies/is sent into jail, everyone in Jail DO NOT get free. The Outlaws may CHOOSE to kill someone in Jail as their night action.
Death/Lynching: Deaths and Lynch victims' roles are revealed upon expiration.
Night Phase: During the Night Phase, players with roles that require a night action will be asked to PM me their specific actions for the night. (Deadline: 9AM EDT)

Victory Conditions:
Villagers: Jail/Lynch all Outlaws
Outlaws: Gain a 1/1 ratio with Villagers that are still alive and free (not Jailed/Lynched.)

Roles: (No hidden roles this time around)

Bad Guys: (the Outlaws may PM each other, note that the exact number of total outlaws is unknown.)
Outlaw Leader - You are the leader of the Outlaws. If killed (note: lynched or executed, not Jailed), you can take one player to the grave with you. The Outlaws can agree to kill one person at night, PM'ing me the name of the person who is going to do the killing, or as a one-time skill, execute a Jail-Break... releasing all Jailed individuals.
Outlaw Spy - You are the Outlaw spy, each night you may check to see if a player is the Private Eye.
Outlaw - You are a regular Outlaw.
Man Of Loose Moral Fiber - You are a man of loose moral fiber, if attacked by the Outlaws at night, you will automatically join them. As long as you ar enot attacked, you are still to be considered as a villager, and will appear as such to the PI. You do not know that you are a man of loose moral fiber until you are attacked.

Good Guys:
Judge - You are the Judge, the man who maintains law in this small town. While the Judge is still out and about (not locked up), lynchings will not occur. Instead, people will be sent to Jail. As a night-action the Judge may choose to have a person released from Jail.
Wealthy Baron - You are a wealthy baron. Your influence allows you to change the target of the vote for the day. If used, the new target is automatically executed...regardless if the Judge is still alive or not. This is a one-time skill only. If used, your role is revealed.
Private Investigator - You are the Private Eye. You may check to see if a player is an Outlaw. Not that you will only know if someone is an Outlaw, and not the type of Outlaw that he is.
Sherriff - You may choose to protect one person from being killed by the Outlaws at night. You may choose yourself, but not choose the same person twice in a row.
Witness - You may choose to perform a witnessing action at night. If you do so, then you will find out the identity fo the Outlaw doing the killing for that night, the Outlaws will also find out who you are.. If the Outlaws do not kill anyone, you do not see anyone.
Villager - You are a regular Villager. You must be able to Jail/Lynch all four Outlaws
Gypsy Twin - You are a psychic Gypsy Twin, if you die, then your twin dies as well. You know who your twin is, and you may PM each other

1. ardent enthusiast
2. Passacaglia
3. MrBug708
4. saldana
5. dubb93
6. RPI-Fan
7. SackAttack
8. Bek
9. Mr. Wednesday
10. Lathum
11. Blade6119
12. pennywisesb
13. jeff061
14. Fouts
15. kingfc22
16. SnDvls
17. Schmidty
18. henry296
19. ReadlDeal
Come and see.

Last edited by Neon_Chaos : 09-11-2005 at 12:47 AM.
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