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Old 09-07-2005, 12:05 PM   #283
General Manager
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Chicago
OK, so based on the initial description in Post #86 we are probably starting with three spawn.

As he went to investigate his sighting of Crystlium a mutant creature, unlike anything he had ever seen before came out of a crevice in the ground, and attacked him. If it hadn’t been for dumb luck, the crewman says, the creature would have succeeded in implanting itself in him. But worse, in the distance he could see what looked like two, maybe three, other members trying to battle similar creatures. While he couldn’t tell who the crewman were, after his battle he went to investigate, and could clearly see two sets of prints leading to a scuffle, but only one set, the human set, walking away.

So two of them were full-blown spawn - Queen and Hive. Third one was likely spawn as well - just don't think it makes sense to start with spawnlings.

I would guess that given the low % for the spawn attack that the Queen and Mind would work in conjunction to add to their ranks. This would also fit with the no apparent activity from the spawns yesterday.

This description raises some more questions:
A spawnling attack increases the chance that all spawns will become exhausted, especially those spawns who participate in a Spawnling Attack. Otherwise Spawnling attacks follow the rules for General Attacks.

1.) Does the state EXHAUSTED show up for spawns from this activity? If so, this could be a big-time indicator for spawn attacks if there is no other activity to explain their exhaustion.
2.) If a spawn is exhausted, does this prevent them from launching regular or spawn attacks until they have recovered?
3.) If the spawns can still attack while exhausted, is there a negative modifier on their attack, just as there is for the defender?
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