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Old 10-05-2005, 06:02 AM   #156
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Northern Suburbs of ATL
The National Herald - March 6


FOFC Splits Double Header
by Lou Scribe

The FOFC All Stars split a double header today, winning the first game 5 to 4, with Sammy Knowles shutting the door in the 9th. Billy Bullock led the team offensively with 3 hits, one of them a solo homer in the 3rd inning.

FOFC Manager Benton Breeze said, "I was real pleased with out pitching in this one. Williams was hitting his spots, forcing the Negro Leaguers to hit the ball, and allowing our defense to make plays for him."

Negro League 1's manager Dusty Baker wasn't overly concerned with the loss, but he was concerned with Bullet Joe Rogan's injury. "Rogan looked good in warmups. He was throwing well, but he came off the mound after his 4th pitch. He told the trainer he had a pain in his elbow. We think it's just tendonitis and he'll be ready to go by the start of the season, but we won't know for sure until tomorrow when the MRI results are back."

In the second game the FOFCers lost their first game 5 to 4.

"We had our chance we left 8 men on base and didn't hit into any double plays, so it's not like we were erasing our baserunners with 1 swing. We just didn't get a clutch hit. I'm actually a little surprised that we didn't score more than 4 runs. When 3 of your top 4 hitters in your line up go 8 for 14, usually you do better than 4 runs."

Caribean Manager Fellipe Alou was extremely pleased with his starter, "Jose Mendez looked to be in mid-season form. He struck out 6, walked no one and didn't give up a run. If we are going to compete in this division, we'll need a big season from him."

Dave Conception the 8 hitter did most of the damage for the Caribbean team. He went 2 for 3, scored twice and drove in 1. The FOFC team managed 10 hits, 8 coming from Tucker, Nights, and Potpie.

Negro Leaguer Rogan Injured
by Willie Porter

Bullet Joe Rogan, one of the pitchers expected to make the starting rotation for the mighty Negro League 1 team, left the game against the FOFCers today after only 4 pitches. He was able to induce Barrett Blade the leadoff hitter to ground out, but as soon as the out was recorded, he walked off the field, went straight to the trainer and headed into the clubhouse.

"We are very concerned about Rogan. We really need him to be healthy if we are going to win the division," explained manager Dusty Baker. "He's a great pitcher, who gives us a chance to win every time out. Plus our pitching staff is small to begin with, you lose any of these guys and we'll have a hard time finding someone to eat those innings."

The extent of the injury is unknown, and the trainer, citing privacy laws has refused to comment. However, we have it on good authourity that it's believed to be just tendonitis, and he should be ready to go by the start of the regular season. Results from the MRI should be available tomorrow and hopefully, the team will give us an update on his condition.

Last edited by Breeze : 10-05-2005 at 06:17 AM.
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