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Old 10-24-2005, 07:58 AM   #104
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Northern Suburbs of ATL
FOFC - Manager Update

As I drive to the ballpark early this morning, I'm thinking about the fact we are off to an amazing 6 and 1 right now. I felt like we would be able to compete, but I certainly didn't expect to start the season this well. It's been an interesting first week, we've won pitching duals and shootouts, and even in our 1 loss, we had people on base, we just didn't come up with any clutch hits.

Now, I'm not naive enough to think it's going to be this easy all season. We've been home for our first two series, when we go on the road and play in the Yellowstone size parks the Centurions, Ghosts, and Ancients play in our power will be nulified to some extent, and when we go to some of the band boxes that the power teams play in our pitching will probably struggle.

We've had quite a few players step up for us so far this season. I'd like to see a little more consistency with the bats. Blade, Tucker, Hays and Pflaggstettler are hitting well so far. Heck Persimmon has been so good I had to move him to the heart of the order, and he hasn't disappointed. Gonzalez is playing well enough right now to set up a platoon with Potpie. Bullock, who's doing fine, will still get plenty of playing time, because of the position, even if he wasn't playing well he'd still see ample playing time. Fouts started off great, but he's slipped enough for me to give Palmer some more at bats. Gunners is playing well in limited action - right now I think I'll stick with a platoon between Ton and Gunner, but I need to make a mental note to get Gazelle in a game soon. Gazelle is better against lefties, maybe I'll give him a start if we play a tough leftie soon. I'd like to work Treacy in as well, but Blade is playing too good right now to pull him from the lineup, and even when he wasn't hitting great he was still setting the table.

As for pitching, I was real disappointed in Bo's recent outing. He was horrible, and he said as much to me, appologizing and promising to do better in his next outing. I have confidence in him, I know he can get the job done, it must have been just one of those nights. After his over-reaction to his first outing, and a crushed bathroom mirro, Kronside has been great, and Sammy has pitched lights out. The starters, except for Hunter, have been great and Rodney has shows real promise as a long reliever, though I won't right him off for the rotation. I haven't pitched Williams yet, I was saving him in case I needed to use a 5th starter, but it looks like the starters are ready to roll and I won't need a 5th this time around.

As for tonight. I'm not sure what we'll be doing with the lineup, because I'm not sure who we will be facing.
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