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Old 12-19-2005, 02:24 PM   #40
Honolulu Blue
Dynasty Boy
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Michigan
Thank you and Epilogue

Originally Posted by johnnyshaka
Well done, HB, well done. Sorry to hear that you won't be continuing this dynasty...but, like you said, you've reached your goal...guess it's time to move on.

Thank you for the kind words, Johnny. Yeah, it was time to quit. I was starting to dislike the poker grind, and I had other things that needed to be done, so I'm moving on.

I cashed out $50 on the weekend to buy BBCF...nothing like cashing out and using the winnings for something before losing it!!!!

I did much the same... actually, I bought BB a few days ago, before I cashed, but was fairly certain I was going to hit my goal. The rest of it I haven't figured out how to spend yet, but I'm thinking about getting PokerTracker. I'd have to spend some time (a) figuring out how to use it, and (b) figuring out how to interpret the data I get from it.

Nice job cashing out your winnings. I occasionally forget to do that and get into trouble because of it.

Anyways...played a few of hands this morning at the office...and I mean a few, like 6...and managed to double up in that time!!! WOW!!! First couple hands were folded until I hit KK on the button. A guy in early position (who raised the two previous hands) raised to $1.25 and everybody folded to me and I re-raised to $2.50 just to see if this guy really had a hand or not...the blinds both folded. He calls. Flop comes out Q74 rainbow...he checks and I figure I might as well find out if he's got something like AQ or KQ and I bet $2 and he re-raises to $4. Hmmm...pocket queens?? He's got me thinking now...but, since I've been at the table he's been raising like, I figure he's got top pair at the most and call. Turn is 6 and now there are 2 spades on the board...he checks again. I'm sure I've got him beat and want to make sure I get him off of a possible flush draw and bet $8...about a half pot bet...he calls this with a flush draw, he's crazy. He doesn't call...he pushes of about $10. he for real?? Boy, does he have QQ or even AA?? Nah...this guy has been a maniac since I've been here...he's got top pair, that's it...I call...I've got him covered, but barely. River comes and it's a Q...OH CRAP!!!! At PS, they don't turn over the cards on all-in calls until the, I was really nervous because that would've made his Qx good...but, turns out he had JJ and I double up. Phewf.

After that Degree(R) all-in moment...I figured it would be best to shut 'er down and walk away with my extra dough!!!

Good call all the way around. I would've questioned his manhood by raising to around $5 preflop and pushed at the first reasonable opportunity, but you got the job done. This was on Stars? With players like that, I'll have to take a more serious look at the NL games there.

Rather than starting a new post, let's cover the epliogue here:

Start - $30.58
Finish - $321.69
Profit - $290.11

Time played (hours) - 26:55
Days played - 21
Average time per day - 1:17

Profit per hour - $10.78
Profit per hour (without bonus) - $7.06
Profit per day - $13.81

Ten random lessons learned:

1. The players at this level were about as bad as I expected, in about the ways I expected. They called too much with bad starting hands and second best (or worse) ending hands, they bluffed too much at the wrong times, and their bets made no sense. I love them.
2. My basic style - play VERY tight, get the goods, bet the goods - worked very well. My PPH was about twice what I expected, given the tables I played.
3. I'm proud of my reading and bluff detection skills. They got better the more I played.
4. Afternoons are the toughest times to play. Payoffs on big hands are generally slimmer and the players are generally better. College students, I suspect. It's hard to wait until after 6 or the weekends to play, but that's probably what I should do.
5. Early, early mornings (3-6 AM) can be very good, but the tables break up fast.
6. My top secret table selection criteria worked quite well at keeping me out of trouble.
7. I still don't feel any great love for poker, though I like no limit more than limit.
8. The good news is I stopped feeling nervous about playing NL $25, though I still felt a few flutters at NL $50.
9. Speaking of NL $50, in my limited looks at that level, the players are a little better, a little more opportunistic, and a little more aggressive. I think I can beat them too, but doing so will have to wait awhile.
10. In order to make a decent living at this level, I'd have to 4-table them for 8 hours a day, and get a decent rakeback program. That doesn't sound like the life for me.

Thank you once again for reading my poker ramblings. Merry Christmas, etc. to all of you and your families.
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