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Old 12-28-2005, 03:04 PM   #755
FOFC's Elected Representative
Join Date: Oct 2000
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Originally Posted by SkyDog
...and therein lies another issue that just hit me: expectations should be relative to conference strength, not absolute. Vandy's current 46 prestige in my career is well below most of the SEC, yet the board is talking about finishing around .500 in the conference. They should be "avoid finishing last in the SEC," or "win two conference games" or something more reasonable, considering they're by a good margin dead last in Prestige in their conference. I'm assuming that the .500 conference expectation for Vandy is based on their middle-of-the-road-OVERALL prestige. Similarly, the highest-prestige teams in weak conferences should be expected to compete for the conference championship.

I totally agree with this. Take for instance, the Sun Belt Conference. All teams should have pretty low prestige, but someone within the conference in the favorite, they all are not hoping to not embarass themselves. The prestige should be or somehow tied into the conferences in which they play.
"i have seen chris simms play 4-5 times in the pros and he's very clearly got it. he won't make a pro bowl this year, but it'll come. if you don't like me saying that, so be it, but its true. we'll just have to wait until then" imettrentgreen

"looking at only ten games, and oddly using a median only, leaves me unmoved generally" - Quiksand
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