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Old 02-29-2024, 01:36 PM   #26
Head Coach
Join Date: Dec 2009
saving this info for posterity but this achievment took a LOT of research and trial and error

so i talked to another friend
and figured out my rocket jump problem

[1:49 PM]
Mr. Beartato:
what was the problem

[1:49 PM]
the first rocket is straight down
the 2nd and 3rd have to barely touch the wall
so when i was overthinking i was only going straight down i think
but what's funny is i now know every inch of grand cathedral
i've been like doing the final battle a LOT last few days

[1:50 PM]
Mr. Beartato:
grand cathedral expert :P

[1:50 PM]
because i messed it up 2 or 3 times

[1:50 PM]
Mr. Beartato:
yeah i did the final battle like 20x before trying

[1:51 PM]
i actually did the rocket jumps right and cleared out the entire open wave
and failed inside

[1:51 PM]
Mr. Beartato:

[1:51 PM]
because it planted a red mech and demons and bulls within eyesigiht
i panicked about being in the corner
and that let bulls see me
and they charged and that was it
both times that happened
so then i would JUST do the final battle from a save
many times
and no problemj at all
but i learned of some cocky things i could do
so here's my list
take out all the zorg and birbs at the start og the level
get the cannon
pick up any extra health and armour needed
then get the +100 health special
triple jump up to the tower
carefully jump over/sidle around the teleport
the teleport spot is ONE spot
but the top of the tower is 2 spots wide
so if you hug the wall you are fine
or have to know where it is to jump over it
or both
it's where the castle wall starts
THEN fall down on the other side
take out any birbs you missed
run to the supply center for the final open battle
get health and armour
that starts the kamis
with tommy shoot all kamis and run
to side of building
take out all kamis from there
then take out kleers
take out red mechs
so in between first two waves
i tried the rocket jump up the side
ran to supply center
and got health and armor and speed
ran back
took out kleer
tried rocket jump again
took out kleer and mechs and zorg
ran back
got armor and health and speed again
ran back
tried again...succeeded!@
got insidfe
this time
i used mini for the first half of battle
also made sure to check constantly nearby
so that bulls did not stack up
also once the pink secret spawned i ran for it
shooting everything i could on the way
that gave me 200 health
oh when i first got inside i got health and armour
and speed to get back to spo before it started
second half of battle i stayed on lasers and ONLY lasers
because demons can spawn
in front of you
and need lasers for fireballs

[1:59 PM]
Mr. Beartato:
damn you really had the entire thing planned out lol

[1:59 PM]
he spawned like 3 demons in front of me hahaha
yes i did
like i said

[1:59 PM]
Mr. Beartato:
i fucking hate those demons

[1:59 PM]
i ran the final battle like 10 times this week

[1:59 PM]
Mr. Beartato:
very satisfying to get that achievement

[1:59 PM]
oh my god you have no idea
well you have SOME idea
and the best thing about it is that i got it by doing BOTH rocket jumps successfully
and didn't have to waste all that time this time on that big battle
so now you know the triple jump
the ENTIRE top of the wall around the final battle is a teleport INTO the the yard
you know why?
I'll tell you
it's to keep people from rocket jumping onto the wall from INSIDE dureing the final battle
but they didn't realize it allows you to skip the open battle

[2:05 PM]
Mr. Beartato:
yeah thank god, that open battle takes quite a while

[2:05 PM]
so when i came back from boardgame night last night
i had a determination

[2:05 PM]
Mr. Beartato:
so you going to grind out the other chieves now? :P

[2:05 PM]
and i did it
and did the ENTIRE OPEN wave
and then did the final battle
and after getting him doen to a quarter health i got redmeched and deviled and double bulled
that's when i started adding all those extra things

[2:07 PM]
Mr. Beartato:
yeah i can imagine

[2:07 PM]
but it left this dull empty seething feeling inside me
i'm at 94%
yeah gonna grindgrindgrind

[2:12 PM]
Mr. Beartato:
good luck

[2:13 PM]
how bout u

[2:13 PM]
Mr. Beartato:
already finished tse ages ago

[2:13 PM]
i'm guessing you didn't have all this difficulty

[2:13 PM]
Mr. Beartato:
back when we were grinding mp
no i'd been playing serious sam for a long time so serious mode wasn't as bad for me, the no save/load was pretty hard though
but like if you know all the spawns it's a lot less frustrating
i tried playing ss4 on serious first run and i also hated it lol

[2:19 PM]

[2:20 PM]
Mr. Beartato:

[2:20 PM]
just kinda like...this is surreal
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