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Old 10-14-2010, 09:22 PM   #367
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Mays Landing, NJ USA
Round 1

Devine Wind and Danny moves forwards as the bell indicates the beginning of the fight!

The clock says 0:10 in the 1 round
The two exchange wildly
Devine Wind is connecting with some few punches

Danny launches a flurry of punches
Devine Wind slips out of danger.
Uzzi Radovich gets sloppy and Jorge Imada tries to take advantage...
A punch from Jorge Imada
grazes Danny's left cheek.

Danny looks for angles as he throws a few jabs that are countered by Jorge Imada's punches
Danny is in the receiving end of a great combo by Devine Wind.

The clock says 0:35 in the 1 round
The fighters size each other up in the center of the cage.

Danny launch a hook to the body
Jorge Imada moves aside looking for a counter...

Uzzi Radovich fakes a punch and launches himself over Devine Wind!
Jorge Imada is smart enough to avoid the clinch game by Danny and pushes him away!
Devine Wind is trying to counter now!
A bunch of leg kicks from Jorge Imada
are bothering his opponent.

The clock says 1:10 in the 1 round
Bone shattering straight left hand from Uzzi Radovich!
Devine Wind ducks under...

Every time Jorge Imada attempts to get inside
Danny misses with a low kick.
Devine Wind is trying to counter now!
Jorge Imada moves forward and launches a low kick.
Hard blow to Danny's right thigh

Low kick by Jorge Imada to maintain his distance.
That hits Uzzi Radovich's ankle
Danny hyper-extended his left leg

The clock says 1:45 in the 1 round
Jorge Imada and Danny engage in a wild exchange of punches!
Jorge Imada is getting the best of the trade as he lands a few blows.

Devine Wind tries some clinch in order to control the fight...
Well done. Devine Wind is clinching with Danny.

Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
A few fans doesn't like what the are seeing and begin to boo!
Uzzi Radovich pushes slightly Devine Wind to the fence and tries to cold down the action.
Herb Dean sees a lack of activity in the clinch and separates the fighters.

This is starting to resemble a Floyd Mayweather fight. You can here the boos starting.
Uzzi Radovich fakes a punch and launches himself over Devine Wind!
Jorge Imada is smart enough to avoid the clinch game by Danny and pushes him away!

Uzzi Radovich tries to bring the fight to the ground
Devine Wind won't budge, forcing Danny to pull guard.

The clock says 2:35 in the 1 round
Jorge Imada is in closed guard over Danny
Devine Wind cornermen are yelling for his man to scape from the ground as Danny can finish the fight in the ground with some good pounding if you let him the chance.
Danny attempts a triangle from bottom! Jorge Imada slips out. Danny quickly turns his hips over and switches to the armbar! He's throwing everything at him.
Jorge Imada slips out and backs away to avoid danger.
Uzzi Radovich gets sloppy and Jorge Imada tries to take advantage...
Devine Wind launch a kick to Danny's thigh
Loud pop!
Danny hyper-extended his left leg

Jorge Imada is in closed guard over Danny
Danny works in the ground with his fingers over Devine Wind's face
Devine Wind shakes his head and continue fightin on the ground.

Jorge Imada is in closed guard over Danny
Danny works in the ground with his fingers over Devine Wind's face
Devine Wind shakes his head and continue fightin on the ground.

Jorge Imada is in closed guard over Danny
Uzzi Radovich launches a few punches to Devine Wind's cheek from the guard.
Jorge Imada uses his head to cover the punches and presses his skull forward.
Danny clumsily fails here and it's time for Jorge Imada to fight back!
Devine Wind tries to stand up!
he is now on his feet
Jorge Imada is on his feet again.

Devine Wind is standing while Danny is in the ground on his back
Devine Wind is tooling Danny. It's a shame how one sided is this match.
Danny tries to hit Jorge Imada with a kick to his knee from the ground.
Devine Wind dodges that
Herb Dean halts the fight to stands up Uzzi Radovich. The fight resumes with both fighters standing.
Danny climbs to his feet and now is standing.

You can hear some sparse boos from the fans.
Danny looks for angles as he throws a few jabs that are countered by Jorge Imada's punches
Devine Wind is in the receiving end of a great combo by Danny.

Uzzi Radovich and Devine Wind engage in a wild exchange of punches!
Both fighters are missing terribly.

Uzzi Radovich and Devine Wind engage in a wild exchange of punches!
Uzzi Radovich is getting the best of the trade as he lands a few blows.

Danny gets a grip on his opponent
but can't get the slam.
Uzzi Radovich gets sloppy and Jorge Imada tries to take advantage...
Jorge Imada fires an unorthodox punch to Danny's torso
that hits its mark.

Devine Wind and Danny circles around the center of the cage.

Some of the people here is booing!
A punch from Uzzi Radovich
gets blocked by Devine Wind.

Danny steps backwards away from Jorge Imada. He seems to be cooling down the fight a bit.

The clock says 4:25 in the 1 round
Devine Wind is hurt... He should be looking for avoid more damage or he will lose this fight.
Jorge Imada fakes a punch and shows some footwork moving aside.

Devine Wind decides to launch some tentative punches
Jorge Imada takes the best of a brief punching exchange.

Devine Wind and Danny circles around the center of the cage.
The referee separates the fighters as the buzz sounds.
Jorge Imada has to be confident that he won that round.
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