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Old 01-03-2013, 03:44 AM   #2
Head Coach
Join Date: Dec 2009

There are various locations in this game. In the description, you will find location names precisely noted and in CAPS. These locations may be a room name, or a direction. To go to another location, use the word GO in the same style as voting in boldface.

You do this in thread.

Locations and threads:

When you go to a location, you might actually move to a different thread. There are multiple threads in the game, each with a name. You will be told which thread to go to based on your movements. (You will be told in thread. Do not move to a different thread until you are told). If you are told to move to a new thread, you must leave the current thread and go to the new one. When you arrive at the new thread, you may not go back and read any other thread. When you go to a new thread, you may read the entire thread all the way back to the beginning. (The rooms are weird and project past occurrences like movies on the wall). You may quote things from the thread you are in but you may never QUOTE something from another thread, although you may talk about something you remember or you may go physically GO back to another thread to get information you forgot.


There are various items in this game. These are ALSO noted in CAPS but not in the description of a room. You may interact with items. Some items may confer upon you certain powers and abilities. Likewise if there is anything inside or under the item, like treasure, you will get it. YOu may keep track of what specifically you have but its importance is for monetary purposes only and the total is all that matters. There is no inventory so you will never be "carrying an item" or passing it or anything. Some items may be furniture or other non-carryable things (like a SIDEWALK). Sometimes it may be confusing whether something is an item or a location. (such as a closet). A location will be located in the locations section at the end of the description.

To interact with an item, use the format INSPECT


Buttons and levers:

When you encounter one, is will be a particular color. You may press or pull a lever in thread. You do so by saying the precise type of button.


will suffice too.

Levers and buttons may be pulled or pushed at any time. Doing so does not prevent you from looking at items as the levers are their own thing. The effects are varied and unknown and the results (and/or consequences) of a lever may happen at various times (immediately, at random, at one of the deadlines, etc)


If you find something of worth it will go into your treasure total. You may keep track of what you find, but the value is what is important.


Moves are due by night action. If you move to a different room, state in thread GO location . Then that night you will move there.
If you wish to INSPECT an item, you must do so by vote deadline/day action deadline. INSPECT item You may only inspect one thing. You may UNINSPECT and UNGO similar to UNVOTE and change your mind. If you and another are inspecting the same item, you may not both the benefit for it. In some cases the reward may be split, in others only one would receive it. It depends on what the reward/consequence is.
INSPECTs are resolved during day action deadline and GOs at night action deadline.

They WILL be late. Go have a sandwich and cafe ole and watch some TV. Will be lenient but get night deadline in early please. It will speed things up.

Roles and concepts common to WW which you may or may not see:

Brutal- When you kill the Brutal, the Brutal kills someone else automatically on the way down
Hunter - The Hunter may kill one person as a night action, one time only.
Seer - The seer may choose one person per night to see if they are bad or good.
Cunning- A bad guy which scans as a good guy
Bodyguard - The bodyguard guards another player every night, but it can be same person on back to back nights. If that player is chosen as a kill victim, the bodyguard saves them. If that person is the hunter's target,the bodyguard is killed instead.
Lovers - Two characters that have a link
and can sense when their loved one is near. When one dies, the other dies too.

There may be other roles and rules not listed that come into play.

Last edited by CrimsonFox : 01-11-2013 at 05:40 PM.
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