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Old 08-07-2019, 05:27 PM   #1486
General Manager
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Chicago, IL
Originally Posted by Warhammer View Post
Another reason why I would never want to live in a pure Democracy, the minute people did not like you, or fear you, legislation could be drafted to strip you of everything you have, or even condemn you to death. It is the Republican form of government that slows things down and allows passions to cool rather than jumping from extreme to extreme.

The Senate was literally put in place to appease slave holding states. It's been the single biggest impediment for freedom and equal rights in this country since its inception. The idea that it is in place to protect freedoms runs contrary to the history of our nation.

The idea of a Senate is fine if the states actually had more sovereignty. For instance if this was set up like the EU. Or when it would take a month to travel to another state. But the federal government has grown so much that the difference in states is negligible. Most of our resources come from the federal government.

It's an undemocratic system that gives preference to certain voters over others. I get that people like it, but lets drop the preaching to the world about democracy and free elections.
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