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Old 09-09-2006, 08:17 PM   #15
biological warrior
High School Varsity
Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by Greyroofoo View Post
I just though I'd move this away from SirFozzie's thread...

I'm in the process of losing weight too. I'm 5'3 I went from weighing almost 170 in April down to 150 w/ on and off dieting and exercising. My goal right now is to get my weight down to under 140 and get a perfect 100 on the Air Force PT Test. I passed my last one in April, but I'm rather dissapointed in my score.

Positive Things I've done :

1. Eat a lot healthier. I used to eat/drink a lot of coke, nachos, red meat, ice cream, Doritos, and fried food. My diet now consists of lots of salad (no dressing, some cheese, crutons, and cherry tomatoes), plenty of apples and bananas, and some pasta. My meats usually include grilled chicken or baked fish. Also turkey sandwiches.

2. Weigh myself EVERY day. It keeps my weight on my mind thus making it easier for me to be more conscious of what I eat.

3. Exercise, exercise, exercise. I try to run at least 3 miles 3 days a week at minimum. Currently it takes me about 33 minutes to do so. I also do a variety of bike and elliptical machine to shake things up. I also play ultimate frisbee w/ coworkers (so lots and LOTS of running while doing that).

4. Do "Pushup Cards" at work 3 times a day. The premise is simple, I draw 3 cards from a deck and I do the number thats on the card (Aces are 15, Jokers 25). Diamond cards mean diamond pushups. Spades mean clapping pushups. If I don't get at least 20 pushups, I draw another card until I have at least 20.

5. Drink lots of water. Rarely will you find me w/o a cup or bottle of water around.

My Vices:

1. I am a weekend alcoholic as any reader of the Ping: Drunk Guy thread probably knows. Alcohol generally has a lot of calories. I have reduced my drinking but I don't forsee eliminating it completely anytime soon.

2. Occasional splurges. I'm a sucker for PapaJohn's pizza and that stuff is horribly loaded with calories. I have read that splurging occasionally is good since it keeps your body from adjusting to a low-calorie diet and thus slowing your metabolism.

3. Motivation. I admit I probably could get diagnosed for depression and sometimes I wonder why I'm even trying to lose weight and get more fit. Just gotta keep a good attitude.

4. Weight-Lifting. I want to get more muscle, but I hate lifting weights. I at least on a treadmill I can watch sports or the news. Weightlifting at the gym does not afford me that opportunity.

Right now I use WeightTracker to keep track of my weight. I personally like seeing how my weight is changing over time.

The shitty thing is that I failed my first APFT (IN MY 6 YEAR CAREER) in March. Scored perfect on PU with 83 reps in 2 min, and nearly perfect on SU with 74 in 2 min but the run got me. I scored 18 44 on the 2 mile run. Well above my normal 14 30-15 3 run time. Right now Im at 1645 (passing) but I want to get back in good shape so I can go to BNCOC and get my Rockers.
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