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Old 10-12-2010, 09:29 PM   #281
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Mays Landing, NJ USA
Round 1

Mauricio Augosto and Tsunemi Uoya touch gloves in the center to kick-off the affair

DaddyTorgo moves backwards and Tsunemi Uoya is asking him if he went today for fighting or for running.

Mauricio Augosto fakes a punch and launches himself over Uoya!
Nice move by DaddyTorgo who clinches and pushes Uoya against the cage
Tsunemi Uoya tries to shrug his way out of the clinch.
Uoya circles out and slips free of Mauricio Augosto's grip. Nice job of getting out of that position.

DaddyTorgo and Uoya circles around the center of the cage.

DaddyTorgo shows no signs of slowing down. He's in great shape.
Mauricio Augosto attempts a sweep single...
Mauricio Augosto catches Tsunemi Uoya's far ankle and trips him to the mat! Slick takedown by DaddyTorgo.

The clock says 0:45 in the 1 round
Mauricio Augosto is in closed guard over Uoya
Mauricio Augosto tries to better his position in the ground...
Uoya holds Mauricio Augosto's head against his chin in the closed guard.

Mauricio Augosto is in closed guard over Uoya
Mauricio Augosto tries to pass Tsunemi Uoya's guard...
Mauricio Augosto passes momentarily but Tsunemi Uoya regains full guard.

Mauricio Augosto is in closed guard over Uoya
Mauricio Augosto tries to better his position in the ground...
Uoya holds Mauricio Augosto's head against his chin in the closed guard.
Uoya is trying to counter now!
DaddyTorgo is in closed guard... Uoya tries to roll on the ground!
Mauricio Augosto uses his leg to keep his position on the ground

Mauricio Augosto is in closed guard over Uoya
Pitty-pat punches from DaddyTorgo
Tsunemi Uoya doesn't flinch.

Mauricio Augosto is in closed guard over Uoya
DaddyTorgo use some of his wrestling skills to escape from the closed guard!
After a few temptative moves, he jumps to side mount! The crowd in venue is cheering him!

Mauricio Augosto is in side mount over Tsunemi Uoya
Mauricio Augosto goes for an americana!
That Americana looks tight...
Punishing hold!
Crippling lock!
You can see the pain reflected in Uoya's eyes...
Uoya breaks free.

The clock says 1:35 in the 1 round
Mauricio Augosto is in side mount over Tsunemi Uoya
Mauricio Augosto isolates Tsunemi Uoya's right arm looking for an armbar...
Tsunemi Uoya manages to sit up and pull his arm out of danger! Mauricio Augosto lost his dominant position.

The clock says 1:40 in the 1 round
Tsunemi Uoya is in open guard over DaddyTorgo
DaddyTorgo tries to close his guard around Uoya
He success!

Tsunemi Uoya is in closed guard over DaddyTorgo
DaddyTorgo throws his legs up in a triangle attempt!
Tsunemi Uoya realizes the danger and stands up to avoid the attack.
Herb Dean halts the fight to stands up Mauricio Augosto. The fight resumes with both fighters standing.
Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. There people who are watching this in venue is cheering up the fighters.

Mauricio Augosto attempts a sweep single...
Mauricio Augosto catches Tsunemi Uoya's far ankle and trips him to the mat! Slick takedown by DaddyTorgo.

Mauricio Augosto is in closed guard over Uoya
DaddyTorgo struggles in the ground and tries to break Tsunemi Uoya's guard...
Uoya doesn't want to free his opponent and DaddyTorgo continues in closed guard

Mauricio Augosto is in closed guard over Uoya
Mauricio Augosto looks to posture up and open Tsunemi Uoya's guard...
Mauricio Augosto forces Tsunemi Uoya to open his guard.

The clock says 2:25 in the 1 round
Mauricio Augosto is in open guard over Uoya
DaddyTorgo moves on the ground..
...he makes no progress.
Uoya tries to get some advantage after his opponent miss move...
Deep breaths from Tsunemi Uoya who tries a hammer punch to DaddyTorgo ribs.
DaddyTorgo blocks those punches

Mauricio Augosto is in open guard over Uoya
Uoya tries to close his guard around DaddyTorgo
He is not able to do it

Mauricio Augosto is in open guard over Uoya
Mauricio Augosto tries to pass to half guard...
Tsunemi Uoya's closes his guard to prevent the pass.

The clock says 2:55 in the 1 round
Mauricio Augosto is in closed guard over Uoya
You can hear some sparse boos from the fans.
Mauricio Augosto looks to posture up and open Tsunemi Uoya's guard...
Tsunemi Uoya has a solid guard and keeps his ankles locked.
Herb Dean stand the fighters up due to a lack of activity.
Both fighters continue the fight on his feet. You can hear how the people agreed with that decision.

Mauricio Augosto tries to take the fight to the ground with a one leg takedown...
Uoya is unable to remain on his feet and falls to the ground

Mauricio Augosto is in open guard over Uoya
Mauricio Augosto tries to finish with a leg lock!
Uoya is able to break the lock.

Mauricio Augosto is in open guard over Uoya
Uoya tries to close his guard around DaddyTorgo
He is not able to do it

Mauricio Augosto is in open guard over Uoya
You can hear some sparse boos from the fans.
DaddyTorgo is in open guard over Uoya... he fakes a move and then tries a kneebar!
That Kneebar from Mauricio Augosto appears to be unbreakable
Uoya struggles for freeing himself
Uoya struggles for freeing himself
Uoya hyper-extended his left leg
Punishing hold!
Crippling lock!
Uoya rolls on the ground trying to get free and after a few kicks of his own he escapes.
Herb Dean halts the fight to stands up Mauricio Augosto. The fight resumes with both fighters standing.
Both fighters continue the fight on his feet. You can hear how the people agreed with that decision.

DaddyTorgo studies is opponent looking for a hole in his defense.

Tsunemi Uoya takes a few seconds to recover his breath...

Tsunemi Uoya circles around DaddyTorgo
These two fighters are showing eachother a ton of respect.

Solid jabs from Tsunemi Uoya.
DaddyTorgo defends.
DaddyTorgo is trying to counter now!
Mauricio Augosto moves forward and launches a low kick.
Uoya blocks that.

The clock says 4:35 in the 1 round
Solid shot from Tsunemi Uoya to the body.
DaddyTorgo blocks in time.

Uoya steps backwards and lows his arms while breathing hewavily... He seems tired.
Tsunemi Uoya is doing his best Floyd Mayweather impression by not engaging.

This is starting to resemble a Floyd Mayweather fight. You can here the boos starting.
Tsunemi Uoya is measuring DaddyTorgo with his jab.
DaddyTorgo isn't fazed.
Herb Dean tells the fighters to go to their corners as the round is over.
This round is clearly for Mauricio Augosto.
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