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Old 05-15-2020, 07:11 PM   #62
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
They fly over to the Manticore and it flies out to meet them.

Manticore: 30 hp, AC 4, 1d6X6 at range, 4x day, THACO 13. It needs 20 for Intaria and Juri.

Range is reached. It fires at Intaria and misses (Cloak of Displacement causes missiles to miss in 1st round). Nykthos hits for 21. Intaria misses with a Chromatic Orb.

It flies faster than the carpet and will remain at range here.

Round 1. 7 vs 2. It goes first and fires at Intaria. It misses all six. It takes 22 from Juri and dies.

They search it’s lair but find nothing.

Next is white wolf pack.

They land and move to the wolves:

10 Wolfs – 14 hp, AC7, 3 attacks of claw, claw, and bite.

They are in range. Nykthos kills a wolf and returns. Intaria’s Dagger misses, and they arrive.

Round 1 – They win init. Juri slays two. Intaria casts Light and blinds one. They are each attacked 4/4 by the wolves and are each hit once:


Round 2 – They lose init. Intaria is hit for 4 doubled into 8 from the crit. Then she cast Vampiric Touch and drains enough from a wolf to kill it and fully heal. Juri slays two more.

Round 3 – They retake init. Juri kills two. Intaria blinds one with Continual Light and that’s it. All are dead or blinded.

They search the wolf pack home and find nothing. They fly over the iceberg to verify that everything is quiet and chill. Literally. It’s been cleaned out. They head back to the ship and release it and it heads abck. The Magist teleports them back home.

End of AC10. Tip of the Iceberg
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