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Old 08-30-2009, 08:46 AM   #11
Join Date: Jul 2009
Originally Posted by Solecismic View Post
So my topic for this developer's corner is whether people think it's better to use a hokey, unrealistic, but understandable shortcut to add a new function to a game. Or is realism of paramount importance?

Depends on what kind of game You want to design, I guess.. should it be a Football Management Simulation or a Social Networking Simulation with a Football team as the playfield?

I'm with Ben in his opinion of quote: "If you create a chemistry model that can be (easily) predicted and exploited, then it will be predicted and exploited."
Furthermore - concerning realism - I am not really sure about Football Teams sending a potential new player to a psychological examination before they hire him (or don't hire him, depending on the result..)
So what we should expect would rather be some kind of... psychological scouting.. in the way of "looks like a nice guy, teamplayer, a bit greedy maybe but not too much - should fit in" with a big margin for scouting error..

And there should be a lot of possibility for changes in the players psychological "values" over his career.. See Randy Moss as an example. Before he went to the Patriots, I guess most people would have seen as "Red Flag" player, able to disrupt a team.. primadonna.. whatever.. as far as I've heard through TV, Press etc.. he seems to have changed to be not only a true leader on the team, but also one of the best "team players" who puts team success ahead of his own needs/desires.
So as there should be the possibility for a player to change a team, there should also be the possibility to have it work quite the opposite, with the team changing the player into a better (or worse..) person.

How far You'd take that psychological chemistry model? Well, depends on how much detail You'd want to have in the game.. the human mind has quite a lot place for likes and dislikes.. "You've seen that new LB? Man, that hairstyle he has looks frigging ugly, doesn't it? Guess he's a total bum.." or " I really can't take that team leader serious with that wannabe beard he tries to grow.." might be pushing it to the edge a little..

I'd personly rather have a more simplified psychological/chemistry system, unexploitable at best, and more detail in the gameplanning part of the game.
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