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Old 08-06-2013, 08:06 PM   #13
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006
Now we'll delve a bit into the specifics of exactly what the situation is on Earth as of the beginning of 2025.

All of these screens are from Economics, this one laughably yet accurately being labeled the Summary. Perhaps most significant are the current population and growth rate, and the fact that we have tons of free labor -- almost 45M workers in the manufacturing sector unemployed.

We've got a few research labs, basic maintenance facility and scanner, no fuel, no shipyard -- yeah, there really isn't a lot going on. Yet.

This is the relevant section of the Mining Report, listing the amounts of the 11 TN minerals that are present on Earth. Note the Stockpile column on the right -- yep, we don't have jack. Also, the years to depletion tell us we'll be out of 8 of them by the end of the 21st century even at current rates of excavation. Truth be told this is a pretty crappy amount(it's random with each new game). Often Earth can be richer than this, but them's the breaks.

Obviously, we need to find more elsewhere, and we need to be in a bit of hurry about it. One really important concept that we'll see again and again is the accessibility column. It can, and almost certainly will, happen that a huge deposit is discovered(in the millions of tons) of a vital mineral that will jumpstart the economy -- and it will have a low accessibility. Accessibility of, say. 0.2 means that only 20% of the normal amount is excavated in a year, so particularly bad accessibility involves a ton of deep core drilling and the like and basically makes the deposit, no matter how large, economically unfeasible to develop. In our case, we can only hope that we don't need much Corbomite, Tritanium, and/or Vendarite in the immediate future.

The 11 TN minerals are the engine of the economy. Without them and an adequate supply of cash(more on that in a sec), it will grind to a halt and we won't be able to build anything.

The Industry tab, aka 'where we go to build crap'. There's not a whole lot available to build, and what there is isn't what we need right now. We'll address that in a bit, but we can see that we have 1000 Construction Factories, otherwhise known as Conventional Industry(CI). These are sizable factories left over from the war. No Ordnance Factories(used to build missiles etc.) and no Fighter Factories.

At the bottom, you'll notice we can divide production up by percentages(one could, in theory, have something like 20 projects going on each with 5% of the industrial base working on them) and the cost on the lower left. For each ton of TN minerals it also costs 1 'wealth'(which I think of as 1000 credits), the direct financial cost of producing whatever. 240 total in this case as listed for a Financial Centre.

Enough of the technical briefing for now, it's time to find out just where our new leaders will land ...
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