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Old 10-13-2010, 09:27 PM   #322
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Mays Landing, NJ USA
Round 2

Chesapeake is holding Jason Schmidt left leg... He's trying to take him down.
Jason Schmidt shows a great balance while pushing away Phil McCracken

Schmidty doesn't stop bleeding.
Chesapeake moves backwards and Jason Schmidt is asking him if he went today for fighting or for running.

The clock says 0:25 in the 2 round
Quick hook by Jason Schmidt
Good shot! Chesapeake has reasons to be worried.

The clock says 0:35 in the 2 round
Schmidty doesn't stop bleeding.
Tremendous strikes from Schmidty!
Some big punches are landing!

Phil McCracken throws a combo
Jason Schmidt ducks under and catches him with a counter straight! Chesapeake swings again, only to get countered once more! Chesapeake is looking bad here!
Chesapeake's Right cheek is bruised after the punishement he's receiving!

Phil McCracken fakes a punch and launches himself over Schmidty!
Nice move by Chesapeake who clinches and pushes Schmidty against the cage

The fighters are clinching.
Schmidty pushes off of Phil McCracken and starts launching a flurry of hooks and body shots!
Chesapeake stumbles backwards but Jason Schmidt chases him and continues the rain of blows!
There is a small laceration on Phil McCracken's Right eye

The fighters are clinching.
Schmidty is launching some bone breaking punches to Chesapeake's ribs while in the clinch.
Wow. You can see the pain in Phil McCracken's eyes.
Chesapeake ribs are getting hammered, they look bad!

The fighters are clinching.
Phil McCracken pushes away Schmidty trying to keep the fight at striking range
Schmidty doesn't want to break the clinch as he still is grappling with Phil McCracken

The fighters are clinching.
Schmidty tries to dirty boxing while holds Chesapeake against cage
Chesapeake is unable to defend himself and receives some punches in the ribs.

The fighters are clinching.
Jason Schmidt pushes slightly Chesapeake to the fence and tries to cold down the action.

Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
You can see Schmidty's blood making stains in the mat.
Chesapeake doesn't want to clinch as he ducks under Jason Schmidt embrace and tries to move away...
Jason Schmidt pushes Chesapeake forward and doesn't allow him to break the clinch.

The fighters are clinching.
Schmidty is launching some bone breaking punches to Chesapeake's ribs while in the clinch.
Wow. You can see the pain in Phil McCracken's eyes.

The fighters are clinching.
Phil McCracken tries to shrug his way out of the clinch.
Schmidty is determined to work from the clinch. He pummeled through and managed to retain his position.
Schmidty is trying to counter now!
Jason Schmidt gets control of Phil McCracken's neck and attempts a guillotine!
Phil McCracken shakes him off and staves off danger.

The clock says 2:40 in the 2 round
The fighters are clinching.
Phil McCracken pushes away Schmidty trying to keep the fight at striking range
Schmidty doesn't want to break the clinch as he still is grappling with Phil McCracken
Schmidty is trying to counter now!
Jason Schmidt locks up a guillotine with an arm in...
Phil McCracken brings Jason Schmidt down to the ground and pulls his head out.

Phil McCracken is in closed guard over Schmidty
Phil McCracken tries to open Schmidty's guard...
Schmidty breaks the lock and cover himself from Chesapeake's punches
Chesapeake misses a step and Jason Schmidt sees an opportunity to counter him!
Jason Schmidt sits up and gets an arm around Chesapeake's neck!
Chesapeake pushes Jason Schmidt back to the ground.

Phil McCracken is in closed guard over Schmidty
Some of the people here is booing!
Deep breaths from Jason Schmidt who tries a hammer punch to Chesapeake ribs.
That hit Chesapeake who moves in the ground in order to protect himself

Phil McCracken is in closed guard over Schmidty
Jason Schmidt is a bloody mess!
You can hear some sparse boos from the fans.
Chesapeake tries to escape from closed guard...
Schmidty wait for the momment and tries to roll! Too late for Phil McCracken! He is reversed and nor Jason Schmidt is on half guard!

Jason Schmidt is in half guard over Chesapeake
Jason Schmidt positiones himself and launch a barrage of punches.
Jason Schmidt is on full mount and his punches are hitting hard Chesapeake's abdomen

Jason Schmidt is in full mount over Phil McCracken
Jason Schmidt continues to bleed from that cut. It could be affecting his vision.
Jason Schmidt positiones himself and launch a barrage of punches.
Jason Schmidt is on full mount and his punches are hitting hard Chesapeake's abdomen

Jason Schmidt is in full mount over Phil McCracken
Body shots by Jason Schmidt
Solid blows to Chesapeake's abdomen.

Jason Schmidt is in full mount over Phil McCracken
Chesapeake tries to move on the ground and escape from the full mount!
Jason Schmidt doesn't want to lose his adventage position and he struggles to mantain the full mount.

Jason Schmidt is in full mount over Phil McCracken
A few fans doesn't like what the are seeing and begin to boo!
Jason Schmidt positiones himself and launch a barrage of punches.
Jason Schmidt is on full mount and his punches are hitting hard Chesapeake's abdomen

Jason Schmidt is in full mount over Phil McCracken
This fight is very one sided. Jason Schmidt is mauling Phil McCracken.
Body shots by Jason Schmidt
Solid blows to Chesapeake's abdomen.

Jason Schmidt is in full mount over Phil McCracken
Pitty-pat punches from Schmidty
They're bothering Chesapeake even though they aren't hurting him.
This is over! That impact from Jason Schmidt has left Chesapeake laying flat in the mat!

Winner is Jason Schmidt by KO (GnP) at 4:34 Round 2

Statistics: Phil McCracken
Punches 12/17 (71%)
Kicks 0/0 (0%)
Clinch strikes 2/2 (100%)
Takedowns 1/2 (50%)
GnP strikes 4/17 (24%)
Submissions 2/2 (100%)
Clinches 1/1 (100%)
Damage caused 501
Clinch Damage 0
Ground Damage 112,5
Time on the ground 202 s

Statistics: Jason Schmidt
Punches 24/29 (83%)
Kicks 0/0 (0%)
Clinch strikes 13/15 (87%)
Takedowns 0/0 (0%)
GnP strikes 20/36 (56%)
Submissions 3/3 (100%)
Clinches 0/0 (0%)
Damage caused 1386
Clinch Damage 293,33
Ground Damage 259,33
Time on the ground 202 s
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