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Old 07-06-2005, 02:15 AM   #1
Head Coach
Join Date: Sep 2004
In pursuit of Dreams and dreams: A Real-Life Dynasty

As the title suggests, this story will be about a real person's life, namely my own.

While my original intent was to write this dynasty about the romantic endeavours involving a certain girl, when I sat down and began to think about everything that it entailed, I realized that I couldn't stick to just that track.

There are too many threads, too many interweavings that have occurred in my 26 years of life here on Earth to be able to isolate just one variable and concentrate on that and that alone.

So it is that I will be presenting to you not just the girl, named Dreams, but dreams of lowercase type, no less of capital importance for their dimunitive clothing. Indeed, it would be fair to suggest that *those* longings, steeped in the sepia and amber of my past as they are, overshadow the figure of the girl.

Referencing to the Joseph Campell quote in turn referenced by Senator in the brilliant thread of his brother's dream fulfillment, I have never been a man of a single bliss, but rather am an individual of multiple blisses. I would that I could find that single, overwhelming passion that I seek above all else, but such is not in my makeup, and so such I will not pursue.

As you can probably guess, this will not be a sweet and short song of a story. Even if things with the girl should prove to my disappointment in the end, the other angles and avenues will still require venturing forth in. In fact, it may well be that this dynasty lasts until the end of my days in this world, or until FOFC is no more, whichever comes first then.

These, then, are the objectives of my passion, in no particular ranking, in short-list form:

1. Publish a novel.
2. Create the Olympics text-based sim I've been working on in concept.
3. Transfer to the University of Wyoming
4. Pursue a relationship with Dreams.
5. Get into Princeton for graduate school.
6. Join a fencing team and get back to fencing competitively.

Six will be enough for now. There are more that lurk in the back of my mind, frail and wispy ghosts that are not yet fully materialized. These are the only concrete, steel-solid dreams, vibrant and blooming in colour, with roots so deep that they will not be pulled out of the soil of the dreaming until they have been played out, whether it be to success or failure.

Tomorrow I will begin delineating the sources of each of these six points.

Whatever travelers I might find walking beside me on my journeys, I hope you enjoy your time.
2006 Golden Scribe Nominee
2006 Golden Scribe Winner
Best Non-Sport Dynasty: May Our Reign Be Green and Golden (CK Dynasty)

Rookie Writer of the Year
Dynasty of the Year: May Our Reign Be Green and Golden (CK Dynasty)

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