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Old 08-08-2017, 02:30 PM   #20
Head Coach
Join Date: Jul 2001
Originally Posted by nilodor View Post
One other thing that has become super evident is I need to find a way to do versioning or archiving or something in Eclipse so if I totally mess up my code I can revert back to something that works.

One option for some very simple local source control is:

Mercurial SCM

I use this for a solution that I wrote for streamers. I created two projects, one is the actual release version that is currently active and being distributed to streamers. The other is a development version. I make changes in the development version, and try to break my changes down into features, or blocks that make sense to me, and commit changes on a regular basis, into the development version. Once I've made enough changes and am happy with where I'm at and am ready to distribute a new update to the people using my software, I move all of those changes to the "production" version all at once, and then leave it alone again. Since I'm committing incremental changes as I finish new fixes or features to my development branch, the opportunity is always there to revert and go back to something else should I need to, or to pull out specific commits if one thing is no longer necessary.

This is all local and directory based and didn't require a ton of learning to get going. You could get away with something simpler than what I'm doing since you don't have any users for now. Just the development branch is needed.

There may be other solutions that would be easier for you, I'm not sure. I'm reasonable comfortable with git/github for work so I'm comfortable with source control concepts. I just wanted to keep this personal project entirely local (other than some FTP backups), so this is what I did.
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