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Old 02-21-2018, 06:45 PM   #375
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Location: Chicago, IL
Originally Posted by whomario View Post
Trump endorses guns for teachers to stop shootings - BBC News

he and everybody else suggesting this can't be serious, right ? (a parent made the suggestion which is why i am putting it here and not the Trump thread). There's two terrible ways this plays out, imo:

1) You get people that grew up with weapons and made it their profession in some way, shape or form (because just doing a few practice sessions will not prepare anybody to act decicively and shoot an attacker) in which case you will have professional mercenaries and/or veterans who take up teaching. Great, sure they are all gonna be super good at teaching.

2) You have teachers try and play at being security personell and at best create aditional panic and at worst open the door for a few scenarios: 1) mistaking a student's actions and shooting them (if it happens with police officers, there is no way it doesn't happen with teachers) or 2) an attacker not even having to get a gun beforehand, but just take it off the teacher instead.

If you wanna do anything along these lines, why not have 1 member of a military service and/or 1 policeman be at each school during active hours. From what i could find there are about 150 thousand schools and colleges in the US, while there are about 1 mio police officers (federal, state or local) and 2 mio active or reserve military personel. Of course, you can get into the economics and it is a crazy idea in itself, but it sure seems more sensible than arming amateurs to me ...

Either you are a teacher or you are law enforcement/security/whatever.

I mentioned earlier that most schools have 1 to 2 armed guards on duty. The school this happened at did. Heck even Columbine did back in the day.

Now Gingrich and others are pushing a plan to have at least 6 armed teachers at every school. There are around 200,000 public schools in the country.

So now you have to train, arm, and secure weapons for at the bare minimum 1.2 million teachers in this country. Mind you that we have states that can't even afford to have school open 5 days a week. But we're going to somehow come up with billions of dollars each year to do this even though it likely won't do much.
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