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Old 03-07-2024, 07:30 PM   #3489
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Chicago, IL
The armorer is responsible. I don't know what the proper punishment is. But her actions led to the death.

Baldwin is trickier. Was he careless? Did he do something that was reckless on set? If he followed all protocols and they just gave him a gun with a live bullet, I don't know how he deserves the blame. There is a video they played in court where he does seem a bit aggressive. But still, it probably doesn't cross your mind that there are real bullets even on set.

I don't think Baldwin's status has helped him in any way. I think if you're looking at a lens like that, the issue is why do people like the armorer get charged and sent to prison for involuntary manslaughter but the Sackler family doesn't? There is definitely a level you reach where you are no longer responsible for anything you ever do.
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