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Old 10-14-2010, 09:34 PM   #380
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Mays Landing, NJ USA
Round 1

The bell announces the first round!

Ironman moves backwards and Tsunemi Uoya is asking him if he went today for fighting or for running.

Tsunemi Uoya is doing his best Floyd Mayweather impression by not engaging.

Tomas Festas attempts a sweep single...
Tsunemi Uoya was ready and shrugs off the takedown attempt.

The clock says 0:45 in the 1 round
The fighters size each other up in the center of the cage.

Tomas Festas goes with a looping right hand while Tsunemi Uoya jumps back and jabs
Ironman only hits air and the subsequent exchange is fruitless.

Uoya fakes a punch and shoots a takedown!
Ironman sprawls and remains on his feet.

The clock says 1:20 in the 1 round
Ironman and Uoya circles around the center of the cage.

Tsunemi Uoya is doing his best Floyd Mayweather impression by not engaging.

Ironman decides to launch some tentative punches
Nothing from this exchange. Ironman moves back and takes a deep breath.

Tsunemi Uoya goes with a looping right hand while Tomas Festas jumps back and jabs
Uoya seems staggered and Tomas Festas runs to capitalize with a bunch of jabs and crosses.

Bone shattering straight right hand from Tomas Festas!
Uoya ducks under...
Tomas Festas gets sloppy and Tsunemi Uoya tries to take advantage...
Low kick by Tsunemi Uoya to maintain his distance.
Bad move. That was far from landing.

Tomas Festas closes the distance with his opponent wanting some action
Tomas Festas takes a few seconds to recover his breath...

A punch from Tomas Festas
grazes Uoya's right cheek.

Tomas Festas fakes a punch and launches himself over Uoya!
Nice move by Ironman who clinches and pushes Uoya against the cage
Tsunemi Uoya pushes away Ironman trying to keep the fight at striking range
Ironman doesn't want to break the clinch as he still is grappling with Tsunemi Uoya

The fighters are clinching.
Tomas Festas tries to shrug his way out of the clinch.
Ironman circles out and slips free of Tsunemi Uoya's grip. Nice job of getting out of that position.

Tomas Festas closes the distance with his opponent wanting some action
Ironman grabs his opponent by the waist and tries to take the fight to the ground
Uoya struggles... Tomas Festas is unable to take him down

The clock says 3:05 in the 1 round
Ironman moves backwards and Tsunemi Uoya is asking him if he went today for fighting or for running.

Ironman fakes a punch and shoots a takedown!
Tsunemi Uoya didn't see it coming and now is on the ground!

Tomas Festas is in open guard over Uoya
Tomas Festas tries to pass to half guard...
Tsunemi Uoya can't prevent his opponent from passing. Ironman looks to work from half guard.

Tomas Festas is in half guard over Uoya
Ironman throws a few hammer fists to the face of Tsunemi Uoya
Blocked by Uoya.

The clock says 3:35 in the 1 round
Tomas Festas is in half guard over Uoya
The fans feel like they are watching a Floyd Mayweather fight. Here come the boos.
Tomas Festas hovers above Uoya
Good punches to Uoya's body.

Tomas Festas is in half guard over Uoya
Tomas Festas push Uoya's leg and tries to move to full mount.
Nice move by Ironman who is on full mount! Uoya is in trouble now!

The clock says 3:55 in the 1 round
Tomas Festas is in full mount over Tsunemi Uoya
Tomas Festas throws the leg over and rolls it over into an armbar!
Uoya breaks the lock showing some skills...

Tomas Festas is in full mount over Tsunemi Uoya
Ironman goes for an armbar!
Tsunemi Uoya breaks the lock and pushes away Tomas Festas, who rolls over his back and get standing position.
Yuji Shimada halts the fight to stands up Tomas Festas. The fight resumes with both fighters standing.
Both fighters continue the fight on his feet. You can hear how the people agreed with that decision.

The clock says 4:15 in the 1 round
Ugly atmosphere in here right now. The fans are getting restless due to the lack of action.
Ironman decides to launch some tentative punches
Nothing from this exchange. Ironman moves back and takes a deep breath.

Ugly atmosphere in here right now. The fans are getting restless due to the lack of action.
Tomas Festas fakes a punch and launches himself over Uoya!
Tsunemi Uoya is smart enough to avoid the clinch game by Ironman and pushes him away!

Ironman decides to launch some tentative punches
Uoya launches a couple of jabs that are answered by Ironman with a stiff cross! Solid exchange!

The clock says 4:35 in the 1 round
Uoya is hurt... He should be looking for avoid more damage or he will lose this fight.
Tsunemi Uoya is doing his best Floyd Mayweather impression by not engaging.

Tomas Festas fakes a punch and shows some footwork moving aside.

Solid shot from Tomas Festas to the body.
Uoya blocks in time.
The referee separates the fighters as the buzz sounds.
I don't think either fighter did more than the other that round.
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