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Old 05-31-2011, 01:56 PM   #95
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: St. Paul, MN
Originally Posted by Narcizo View Post
Don't know what to make of this bolded bit. I guess it implies that the non-named roles have an influence on some part of the game mechanic, with the non-corrupt ones having a positive effect and the corrupt ones having a negative effect. If there is such an effect it seems logical that both good guys and bad guys will have a method of discovering corrupt and non-corrupt people, otherwise there seems little point in the mechanic. As a wild guess maybe some sort of seer-lite on the wolfy's side who can "scan" for corrupt officials meanign that the wolves will be more interested in taking out some people and might make an effort to save others. analysis

Here's the thing though. If a villager with a role found a corrupt citizen, would we really want to vote them off knowing that they are contributing to our win condition? It would be kind of like voting off a known cultist, except one that's potentially unaware that they're helping the wrong side, depending on what the corrupt players have for a win condition. Unless we know that their corruption is hugely hampering our efforts to win I guess in which case maybe it would be worth voting them off, though I don't know how we'd find that out.
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