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Old 07-07-2008, 09:09 PM   #14
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: NYC
Best of luck with all this. I recently started posting in the "officialish" thread again as I try to lose weight myself. So knowing that I'm a tubby bastard myself, please don't think I'm being overly-critical with the following comments...we're all in this fight together.

First of all, starting a diet around July 4th just sucks with all that great food around , so hopefully now that it's gone you can stick to your calorie goal a little better. The good thing I see in your daily reports are a bunch of things that can be cut out/down easily, at least from a calories/fat perspective.

- Coffee with hazelnut (184 calories, 7.5g of fat, 25g sugar). This should go. Can you drink black coffee with Splenda/Equal (5 calories, no sugar, no fat), or maybe coffee with non-fat/skim milk and splenda?

- Similarly, can you switch from that 2% milk with your Cheerios to one with less fat/cals? Seems like a lot of fat early in the morning that you could do without. The chocolate milk you're drinking...necessary, or could that be adjusted down? And a tablespoon of sugar with your Cheerios...have you tried it without? Maybe you'll be able to handle it without all that sugar.

- Your lunch/dinner chicken tenders with 21g of fat. I'm guessing this is some kind of fried chicken. Do you like grilled chicken? Thankfully I like it a lot, and it has much less fat than what you're having here. You could probably get a fairly large grilled chicken sandwich that would be more filling, have about the same amount of calories, but much less fat.

- You clearly have a sweet tooth (we won't get into the multiple desserts at Sonic or the KING size () Reese's). Obviously there's a small sample size here, but I would guess that if you deny yourself anything sweet, that's when you cave in and go a little too far. Luckily these days there's a ton of snacks out there that are geared towards the dieter. The 100 calorie packs are awesome and you can find them in a ton of different varieties, from the salty chips to the sweet stuff. I just bought a box of chocolate covered pretzels, individually-wrapped for 100 calories per serving, 3.5g of fat, 7g sugar. I fucking LOVE chocolate covered pretzels, and this is a way for me to indulge that side without going through half a bag of some brand that is much higher in calories and fat. Portion control is a huge part of trying to lose weight, and these 100 cal things are great. I also really like rice cakes -- the caramel and chocolate varieties are both very good. About 80 calories each, maybe a gram of fat.

Again, not trying to nitpick your habits, as you're clearly aware of where you can make changes, but hopefully this helps a little more. Good luck.

Last edited by Logan : 07-07-2008 at 09:10 PM.
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