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Old 05-12-2011, 01:08 PM   #449
Solecismic Software
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Canton, OH
I've been frustrated with the voting in the past. That's just the way the show works. Simon realized that as well and tried to control things the best he could. Sometimes a Taylor Hicks grabs the kids and there's nothing you can do about it.

Same with Scotty this season. He has two huge voting blocks working for him, and there isn't much chance anyone else will break through.

I am angry about this, though, in a way I haven't been in the past. Haley has been fine-tuning her performances from earlier this season. She's showing off her skills in different ways. She's probably the most talented singer they've ever had on this show.

And she's probably going tonight - just like Chris Daughtry did five years ago, fourth place to Taylor's first. At least Scotty will sell a lot of music.

I don't see why the producers are so determined to protect Scotty. Maybe it's money. Maybe they make more with the country stuff even if it doesn't cross over.

But the constant criticism in a season when no one else receives as much as a frown is more than frustrating. It exposes Idol in a way it hasn't been exposed in the past. Shame on Randy for sitting there for ten years, making a personal fortune, and going along with it.

The Gaga stuff is fascinating. For her fans, just having her there is a big deal - they love her anti-establishment shtick. And she's well-spoken and interesting, and Idol lets that come through.

But the editing is so negative. Showing the inappropriate James-touching, leaking the photos of her $4,000 platform shoes with the dildo heels, editing in Scotty's eye-rolling after her critique, probably encouraging her to wear the insect wig which made her look a bit frumpy. Getting her to allow Haley (of all people) to perform her unreleased new song, then panning the hell out of it.

They managed to capture the Gaga star without embracing it. That was genius.

Last edited by Solecismic : 05-12-2011 at 01:15 PM.
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