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Old 05-10-2005, 04:53 PM   #52
High School Varsity
Join Date: Apr 2005
Who's Who--William Temple

Former Owner New York

A very complex man. Leader of the former Eastern faction, he holds a very high ideal of what the purpose of the Empire League should be: glory before profits. However; like in his shipping business, he believes the ends justify the means. His purchasing the Hartford franchise with Boston’s Mick Avery, without league approval, and the fraud to cover up the action lead to his and New York’s expulsion from the League. But believing the defense of the game from McCormick’s ‘profit mongering’ was important, he does not feel he did anything wrong.

A much more likeable and approachable man than McCormick, he has been able to use the press to paint the conflict as McCormick’s personal crusade to enlarge Chicago, and his own, standing on the National stage. Temple firmly believes New York does have some ‘divine right’ to dictate League policy, at the hindrance of the other clubs, since it “is important our greatest city is represented with a winning team.”

He led the fight against higher salaries and lower admission as part of his desire for what he terms ‘pure sport.’ The games, in his view, should be a gathering of gentlemen, not a leisure for the rabble. Players should value playing for joy and exercise, not a few pieces of silver. Very much in line with the contemporary mores, but out of touch with the reality of the business that is starting to form.

The ‘Panic of 1877’ and the loss of his investment in Hartford and New York have put him in a precarious position financially. He vows to return to the game and destroy the “Babylon” of the Empire, but it is not clear if his ideals are compatible with his goals.
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