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Old 08-21-2017, 02:10 PM   #12
Head Coach
Join Date: Jul 2001
Anyway, all that said, I've been reading more and chatting with some folks who created a fasting discord server to try to support each other and have put together my plan.

I really want my bloodwork that I get tomorrow to be done in a normal state... ie I've eaten the night before but am not in the middle of a multi-day fast. It seems like that should give me the best "baseline numbers". But after tomorrow I don't have any reason to hold off on my next fast.

I'm eating like normal today, and will be beginning my next "extended" fast after my last meal tonight. I'm not setting a specific goal for it. If I don't make it to a week I don't want to feel like a failure. I'm just going to go for as long as I reasonably can. I will be weighing myself every morning, checking my blood sugar daily, and I will be taking measurements daily. I'm not great at measuring myself, hopefully I can get better as I do it more frequently.

Once the extended fast is completed, I will move immediately into Alternate Daily Fasting (abbreviated ADF). This is also known as "42 hour intermittent fasting". On ADF I might eat my last meal at around 8pm on a Monday, not eat at all on Tuesday, and then eat my first meal on Wednesday around 2pm. Last Wednesday meal at 8pm, don't eat Thursday, eat around 2pm Friday. I intend to do this for the foreseeable future, until I'm at a healthy weight with a healthy person's bloodwork.

I won't be restricting calories on my eating days, at least not below TDEE the way one might on a normal diet. But if I have large issues with hunger I may find that I need to count calories so as to not gorge myself.

While I'd love to lose weight faster doing this, the end goal is to reverse diabetes, if that is actually possible, or at least, restore my insulin resistance to non-diabetic levels. I have no expectation of how long this might take to happen. I've been diagnosed diabetic for about 8 years now, and have very possibly been diabetic for up to 12 years, and was feeding myself sugar non stop another 8 years prior to that. I believe I can undo a lot of the damage I've done, but I don't expect it to happen quickly.

Last edited by Radii : 08-21-2017 at 02:14 PM.
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