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Old 11-18-2010, 08:04 PM   #281
Head Coach
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Bath, ME
In true Werewolf fashion here's my paranoid list, Hoops.

Danny - though I still hold space in my mind for some wolf shenanigan here

Mildly Distrust
Chief Rum
Daddy Torgo
The Jackal
Darth Vilus

Chief and DT both pinged me early, just for hunch reasons, and the fact that with Chief as the leading candidate this morning, the pressure moves to me makes me think more of him as a suspect.

Hoops and Jackal are here due to having missed votes. I think it's important to remember that there could ahve been only one or zero wolves voting on days 1 and 2, which renders theories such as "There must have been a wolf on each candidate" meaningless.

J23 and Darth Vilus manage to cast meaningless votes both days. That's the best way to cruise to victory as a wolf I think, especially if the wolves don't include a "High profile" werewolf player like Lathum or Hoops.

Saldana, as he stated, has been quiet, and said a couple things that make he say hmmm. But I give him credit for having bold voting history here, having voted fairly early for the villager who bought it.
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