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Old 01-09-2018, 06:56 AM   #16
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
So what I am going to do is to pull two games off this list and I am going to do so one from the list that is the least influential and then the one from the list that's the least fun until you have 3 games left!

So let's peel the first layers of onion:

Tetris - Tetris is a ton of fun. It sold a video game system. But it's influence outside of casual gaming hasn't been as strong. Fun! But the weakest influence on this list. It's off.

Rogue - The original Rogue is a heavily influential game and the oldest game on this list. It still is felt in gaming today. But it wasn't as fun as any other game on the list, as it's was primitive and not well-designed. As a result, it's influence bar is high, but it's fun level is the weakest of these final nine. Sorry Rogue.
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