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Old 04-23-2013, 08:53 PM   #16
Head Coach
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Bath, ME
I love, love, love having the ability to see hte tracked ratings on Ben's league sites (for example). I've actually thought at times about not leaving the leagues that don't have this because it makes such a huge difference in gameplay.

The thing is that it's absolutely necessary in order to succeed to have this sort of info on your players. without it on the league sites we're forced to run third party software, build Excel sheets and track it ourselves. If I mess up and miss out on some of this information I lose interest in the game, frankly, as it's such key information to have.

I'm fine with a new version universally shielding some of this information from us, I suppose. But I would hate simply being forced to jump through hoops to track it - that's basically what we have now and it only gives advantage to those with the time to keep on top of it. they're trading for players they know are developing well and trading away guys that the other GMs don't realize are duds. That's no fun.

Now if a new version makes it harder to know what sort of development curve a player has, that's fine I suppose. But I would hope that a new version would make it easier to track whatever information is in the game.
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