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Old 09-20-2005, 03:42 PM   #36
Raiders Army
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: The Black Hole
Originally Posted by Lathum
Also, maybe an interesting twist would be to vote by secret ballot and reveal the votes after the lynching.
I second this idea.

I have no ill will towards anyone in these games, and I hope no one has any towards me. What I say in the thread is (mostly) "in character". Hell, Ardent kept kicking my comatose body and I still like him! The lying part of the game is the best...I like the fact that you can use trickery to win. I look at these games a lot like they're the internet version of Survivor.

I think what would be really interesting and unique would be to have immunity challenges every day (for a 24 hour period...since people have different downtimes, etc.). You could make them a puzzle challenge and whoever gets it right is immune. If no one was able to solve the puzzle, then no one is immune. The person sponsoring the game would have to come up with a lot of fair and tough challenges. Just a thought.
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