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Old 03-11-2018, 09:05 PM   #601
General Manager
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Chicago, IL
Originally Posted by CU Tiger View Post
That's just it. I don't cower in fear. Ever.
I also don't revel in ignorance.
I wear a seatbelt despite it being over 20 years since I've been in an accident as well.
A better comparison, I have a fire extinguisher in my kitchen, my garage, my shop, and on my deck by my grill. I've never had a home fire, but I check my extinguishers and replace them when they expire. I don't fear fire, I prepare to combat it if necessary...and then enjoy my life.

I want to respond to earlier comments as well and will tomorrow, but this one just jumped out to me.

If you're stashing guns around the house, you sound like someone who does have considerable fear of a home invasion. That's not a bad thing, we all have our own fears.

House fires kill thousands a year (along with pets) and cost untold monetary damage to property. Most people are willing to buy a few smoke alarms and fire extinguishers to combat this. But most won't spend over $10,000 to install a sprinkler system in their home despite that risk. They don't install fire resistant doors.

Automobile deaths are around 37,000 I believe. A seat belt doesn't take much effort to put on and comes with the car. But most people don't install aftermarket cages and expensive harnesses for protection. They don't put on fire suits either.

But when we're talking statistics, less than 100 people in this country die from burglary related homicides. Even less from strangers. You're as likely to die from a bee sting as you are from a random home intruder. I don't think you leave the house in a beekeepers suit.

Perhaps you do go those extra lengths I mentioned to protect yourself and your family from more dangerous things in this world. But it feels more like an irrational fear of a home invasion or overcompensation for something else.
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