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Old 03-01-2015, 03:32 PM   #12
Pro Starter
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Lisboa, ME
Post-Integration Information


Base Tax: 2.0
Production: Fish

Base Tax: 4.0
Production: Furs

We have begun work on cores for Bohori and Deren.

May 1488
We have sent a diplomat to Shu to improve relations.

June 1488
Royal Marriage
We have entered a royal marriage with our vassal, Yeren.

August 1488
A diplomat has been sent to Yeren to improve relations.

November 1488
Conversion Successful!
We have finally managed to convert the heretics of Shiribeshi to the one and only true faith!

A missionary heads to Tokachi.

December 1488
Disagreeing Advisor
He's been a faithful servant so far, but now he seems to have grown too insolent. He dares to denounce our great Emperor's policies and he recently did so in public in front of foreign ambassadors. Even if he's right, we shouldn't let that become a habit of his.

Emperor Ietsugu concedes the advisor has a point.
-5 Prestige (79)
+33 Diplomatic Power

A Revolt!
Ainu Nationalists have risen up in Tokachi and Sakhalin!

March 1489
The Nationalists in Sakhalan have been defeated.

April 1489
The Nationalists in Tokachi have been defeated.

December 1489
Colony Self-Sustaining
Our colony in Sakam has grown enough to become self-sustaining.
+5.2 Prestige (80)

Mission Complete!
Turn Sakam into a City

+1 Base Tax in Sakam
+15 Manpower in Sakam.

Current Mission
Make Sakam a Core

Work has begun to turn Sakam into a core.

Our colonist heads to Middag.

May 1490
We have maxed our relations with Shu.

Core Provinces
The provinces of Bohori and Deren are now considered part of our patrimony. We will defend them to the last drop of peasant blood.

June 1490
Core Province
The province of Sakam is now considered part of our patrimony. We shall defend it to the last drop of peasant blood.

Mission Complete!
Make Sakam a Core!

+10 Administrative Power

Current Mission
Fortify Sakam

An Earth Rampart is under construction in Sakam.

July 1490
In the wake of the Higashiyama culture, people were looking for some kind of inspiration. A man in our employment suggested that we build a new temple, called Ginkaku-ji – the Temple of the Silver Pavilion – as it would be covered in silver foil. A rock garden with Zen and wabi-sabi aesthetics should be planned and added beside the temple. The simple beauty of the plans seem to be overshadowed by the inlay of silver and that suggestion was removed.

Emperor Ietsugu demands his temple be built.
-30.00 ducats

September 1490
A diplomat has been sent to Ayutthaya to improve relations.

December 1490
Ietsugu Embarrasses the Court
The Emperor committed an absolute faux pas today in front of the court and a few foreign dignitaries. The reprecussions of this will take years to repair.

-1 Stability (-1)

Administrative Technology Advance
Three Field Rotation (6)

Since the time of Charlemagne, people have been experimenting with switching from classic two field rotation systems to a three field system. It is time to promote this, as it will increase the amount of land devoted to growing food crops.

Bonus Effect:
Production Efficiency Increased by +10%
Can now build Farm Estate

May 1491
Colonial Company Goes Bankrupt
In what seems like a recurring trend with every expedition, one of our colonial ventures has run into serious financial trouble. If no action is taken, the colonists could suffer.

Emperor Ietsugu decides to step in.
-50.00 ducats (24.73)

June 1491
Mission Complete!
Fortify Sakam

+30 Manpower in Sakam
+1.0 Army Tradition

Current Mission
Recover Negative Stability

March 1492
Casus Belli
We have gained the 'Trade Dispute' Casus Belli against Ming. They are threatening our trade!

Mission Complete!
Recover Negative Stability

+5 Prestige (76)

Current Mission
Colonize Manila

November 1492
We have maxed relations with Ayutthaya.

December 1492
Corruption is one of the most common and frequent factors of political and economic life. Never in history was this more prominent than in the times of the feudal regimes.

Shogun Ietsugu tries to eradicate the problems.
-1 Stability (-1)

February 1493
Exploration Ideas Advance!
Overseas Exploration

Setting up colonies in distant lands is pretty much a one way trip. If strange new diseases don't get you, the amount of time it takes to sail back means you won't be coming home. If we remind people of the potential riches, we can encourage them to seek lands further afield.

Bonus Effect:
Colonial Range: +50%

Japanese Ideas Advance!
Tosen-bugyo was a system established to help mediate overseas trade. It was developed to not only help trade, but also ensure that we know where the trade is going. This will not only encourage trade but ensure we get our fair share.

Bonus Effect:
Domestic Trade Power: +25%

We have sent a diplomat to Dai Viet to improve relations.

March 1493
In the wake of the Higashiyama culture, people were looking for some kind of inspiration. A man in our employment suggested that we build a new temple, called Ginkaku-ji – the Temple of the Silver Pavilion – as it would be covered in silver foil. A rock garden with Zen and wabi-sabi aesthetics should be planned and added beside the temple. The simple beauty of the plans seem to be overshadowed by the inlay of silver and that suggestion was removed.

Emperor Ietsugu demands his temple be built.
-30.00 ducats
Middag gains a Temple

October 1493
A Temple is under construction in Sakam.

May 1494
Conversion Successful!
We have finally managed to convert the heretics of Tokachi to the one and only true faith!

A missionary has been sent to Sakhalin.

July 1494
A Temple is under construction in Kelang.

December 1494
Nobles Demand Privileges
The privileges of the nobility have been under continuous assault as Ietsugu has attempted to centralize more and more control. The nobles have finally lost their patience and are demanding that they are given back what they believe is rightfully theirs.

Emperor Ietsugu ignores their demands.
Japan gets 'Disorder' for one year, giving the following effects:
Nation Unrest: +2.00

The whole of Asia.

Japan's allies in blue, the vassal of Yeren in light green.

The big island

Northern holdings and Yeren.

Taiwan colonies
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