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Old 06-24-2010, 10:09 AM   #531
College Starter
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Arlington, VA
Originally Posted by Racer View Post
I think accounting for actions and playing the jury at the final tribal council is a pretty important component to the game of Survivor. I feel ML and Thomkal are doing both of these and that you are not doing either. Maybe you didn't know this, but the jury was allowed the to PM each other. Heybrad's one big hang up about voting for you is that you continue to insist that he turned on you before you turned on him. I was trying to swing his vote to you but I feel you completely whiffed on it. Maybe that's how you really feel, but I'm going to have a really hard time giving you my vote now after the way you answered that question.

I also kind of felt you were arguing with me with your answers instead of arguing for the decisions you made. I didn't feel that way with ML's or Thomkal's answers.

I've never watched a show of Survivor, nor do I play a whole lot of werewolf. So it doesn't surprise me that I not doing either to anyone's satisfaction I don't know if there are any Diplomacy players on the jury, but FWIW that is the game I know and the one I draw from most as I play this game.

I think I see what you are saying about my earlier answer. It comes off as cantankerous. I have been up with my baby most of the last two nights, helping her sleep and managing her high temperature. Indeed, I am an idiot for staying up as late as I did working on those answers; I should have doubled my sleep total for the night and waited to answer until today.

I hope, at least, that you understand why I interacted with you the way I did that day. Lying burns bridges, and I still wanted to work with you, knowing that I would probably need to before the end of hte game.

I'm still going to come off as grumpy here, but I will always believe that I did right by Brad this game. Your contention that I never intended to make him part of my top 3 is absolutely false. As I have said, he was neither completely in nor completely out of my top 3. My last message to him was taking his temperature on Thomkal, to see 1) what they had talked about at the inn; and 2) to see if that final 3 was possible.

Hoops talked about taking some of this personally. For some reason, I take this point very personally. If it costs me every vote in the jury, so be it. I'll get over losing an imaginary $1,000,000 sooner than I would with this perceived accusation against my integrity. Apologies -- I know I am blowing this out of proportion, but this is how I feel. I'll try to be more balanced on other questiosn.
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