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Old 10-30-2010, 09:07 PM   #319
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Mays Landing, NJ USA
Round 1

Kelly Morton and Kinchika Maia touch gloves in the center to kick-off the affair

The clock says 0:10 in the 1 round
Morton fakes a punch and shoots a takedown!
Maia sprawls and remains on his feet.

Kelly Morton fakes a punch and launches himself over Maia!
Kinchika Maia is smart enough to avoid the clinch game by Morton and pushes him away!

The clock says 0:35 in the 1 round
Maia fakes a punch and shoots a takedown!
Kelly Morton didn't see it coming and now is on the ground!

Kinchika Maia is in open guard over Morton
Maia shows no signs of slowing down. He's in great shape.
Kinchika Maia tries to pass to half guard...
Kelly Morton's closes his guard to prevent the pass.

The clock says 1:00 in the 1 round
Kinchika Maia is in closed guard over Morton
Maia is in closed guard... Morton tries to roll on the ground!
Kinchika Maia uses his leg to keep his position on the ground

Kinchika Maia is in closed guard over Morton
Kinchika Maia tries to pass Kelly Morton's guard...
Kinchika Maia passes momentarily but Kelly Morton regains full guard.

Kinchika Maia is in closed guard over Morton
Morton is taking this opportunity to rest.

Kinchika Maia is in closed guard over Morton
Kinchika Maia tries to pass Kelly Morton's guard...
Kinchika Maia passes momentarily but Kelly Morton regains full guard.
The referee decides to stand up the fighters since there was not much action on the ground.
Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. There people who are watching this in venue is cheering up the fighters.

Kinchika Maia is doing his best Floyd Mayweather impression by not engaging.

Morton wants to take the fight to his field and tries to clinch.
Morton moves forward and holds Maia
Maia doesn't want to clinch as he ducks under Kelly Morton embrace and tries to move away...
Kelly Morton pushes Maia forward and doesn't allow him to break the clinch.

The fighters are clinching.
The people here is booing the fighters.
Kelly Morton pushes away Maia trying to keep the fight at striking range
Maia stumbles backwards and Kelly Morton circles to get the center of the cage

Kelly Morton leans forwards and tries to grapple with Maia
Morton shows his clinching skills. Both fighters are clinching now.
Maia doesn't want to clinch as he ducks under Kelly Morton embrace and tries to move away...
Nice move from Maia who put distance between them

The people here in venue is booing the fighters. They should put some action if they want a better reaction!
Morton tries some clinch in order to control the fight...
Well done. Morton is clinching with Maia.
Kinchika Maia pushes away Morton trying to keep the fight at striking range
Morton stumbles backwards and Kinchika Maia circles to get the center of the cage

The clock says 2:35 in the 1 round
Good leg kicks from Kelly Morton.
Kinchika Maia defends with ease.

Kelly Morton takes a few seconds to recover his breath...

The clock says 2:55 in the 1 round
The people here is booing the fighters.
Kelly Morton takes a few seconds to recover his breath...

The clock says 3:05 in the 1 round
Maia is holding Kelly Morton right leg... He's trying to take him down.
Kelly Morton loses balance and goes to the ground.

The clock says 3:15 in the 1 round
Kinchika Maia is in side mount over Kelly Morton
Kelly Morton attempts to trap Kinchika Maia in his guard.
Kelly Morton manages to switch to full guard.

Kinchika Maia is in open guard over Morton
Morton tries to close his guard around Maia
He is not able to do it

The clock says 3:35 in the 1 round
Kinchika Maia is in open guard over Morton
Morton tries to close his guard around Maia
He is not able to do it

Kinchika Maia is in open guard over Morton
Maia moves on the ground
Maia cannot take advantage in the ground

The clock says 4:00 in the 1 round
Kinchika Maia is in open guard over Morton
Morton tries to close his guard around Maia
He is not able to do it

The clock says 4:10 in the 1 round
Kinchika Maia is in open guard over Morton
Morton tries to close his guard around Maia
He is not able to do it

The clock says 4:20 in the 1 round
Kinchika Maia is in open guard over Morton
Morton tries to close his guard around Maia
He is not able to do it
The referee decides to stand up the fighters since there was not much action on the ground.
Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. There people who are watching this in venue is cheering up the fighters.

The clock says 4:30 in the 1 round
Ugly atmosphere in here right now. The fans are getting restless due to the lack of action.
Kelly Morton is doing his best Floyd Mayweather impression by not engaging.

Kelly Morton throws a punch
that gets deflected.

The match-makers did a great job of pairing up these two evenly match warriors.
No action equals fans disrespect. And they are openly booing the fighters.
Kelly Morton is doing his best Floyd Mayweather impression by not engaging.

Both fighters circles around the center of the cage.
The referee separates the fighters as the buzz sounds.
Maia is the winner of this round.

Round 2

Maia studies is opponent looking for a hole in his defense.

Low kick by Kinchika Maia to maintain his distance.
Bad move. That was far from landing.

Morton and Maia circles around the center of the cage.

The clock says 0:45 in the 2 round
Kelly Morton jabs at Maia
to no visible effect.

The clock says 0:55 in the 2 round
Maia and Morton are at the same level nowadays... This match is very interesting because no one knows who will win.
The two exchange wildly
Morton is connecting with some few punches

The clock says 1:05 in the 2 round
Some counter punches against Kinchika Maia
almost hit him as he moves away.
Morton clumsily fails here and it's time for Kinchika Maia to fight back!
Kinchika Maia tries to bring the fight to the ground
Morton goes down.

Kinchika Maia is in open guard over Morton
Kinchika Maia struggles not giving a chance to recover to his opponent

The clock says 1:20 in the 2 round
Kinchika Maia is in open guard over Morton
Morton tries to close his guard around Maia
He is not able to do it

The clock says 1:30 in the 2 round
Kinchika Maia is in open guard over Morton
Kinchika Maia tries to finish with a leg lock!
Morton is able to break the lock.
Morton tries to get some advantage after his opponent miss move...
Morton tries to close his guard around Maia
He is not able to do it

Kinchika Maia is in open guard over Morton
Maia moves on the ground
Kinchika Maia moves to side mount

Kinchika Maia is in side mount over Kelly Morton
Kelly Morton attempts to trap Kinchika Maia in his guard.
Kinchika Maia keeps good control and remains in side mount.

Kinchika Maia is in side mount over Kelly Morton
Kelly Morton attempts to trap Kinchika Maia in his guard.
Kinchika Maia keeps good control and remains in side mount.

The clock says 2:15 in the 2 round
Kinchika Maia is in side mount over Kelly Morton
Morton is gassing out... To bad. His performance may be going down.
Ugly atmosphere in here right now. The fans are getting restless due to the lack of action.
Deep breaths from Kelly Morton who tries a hammer punch to Maia ribs.
That hit Maia who moves in the ground in order to protect himself

Kinchika Maia is in side mount over Kelly Morton
Kelly Morton attempts to trap Kinchika Maia in his guard.
Kinchika Maia keeps good control and remains in side mount.

Kinchika Maia is in side mount over Kelly Morton
Kinchika Maia looks to mount Kelly Morton...
Kelly Morton takes advantage of his opponent's over commitment and traps him in full guard.

Kinchika Maia is in open guard over Morton
Maia tries to jump to side mount.
Kelly Morton jumps and show some wrestling skills as he positiones himself for continue the fight in side control.

Kelly Morton is in closed guard over Maia
Kelly Morton tries to better his position in the ground...
Maia holds Kelly Morton's head against his chin in the closed guard.
Morton misses a step and Kinchika Maia sees an opportunity to counter him!
Morton is in closed guard... Maia tries to roll on the ground!
Kelly Morton uses his leg to keep his position on the ground
Steve Mazzagatti stand the fighters up due to a lack of activity.
Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. There people who are watching this in venue is cheering up the fighters.

Maia pushes Kelly Morton and moves away from him. He seems to be recovering his breath.

A solid combination from Kinchika Maia
connects with Morton.

A high kick from Kelly Morton
misses badly. Morton slips and falls!

Maia is standing while Morton is in the ground on his back
Morton tries to stand up!
Maia doesn't allow him!

Maia is standing while Morton is in the ground on his back
Morton tries to stand up!
he is now on his feet
Back to the origins! Kelly Morton is standing now.

These two fighters are showing eachother a ton of respect.

The people here is booing the fighters.
Kelly Morton fakes a punch and launches himself over Maia!
Nice move by Morton who clinches and pushes Maia against the cage
Kinchika Maia pushes away Morton trying to keep the fight at striking range
Morton stumbles backwards and Kinchika Maia circles to get the center of the cage

The fighters size each other up in the center of the cage.

Morton is holding Kinchika Maia left leg... He's trying to take him down.
Kinchika Maia shows a great balance while pushing away Kelly Morton

The clock says 4:45 in the 2 round
Kelly Morton attempts a sweep single...
Kinchika Maia was ready and shrugs off the takedown attempt.
Maia is trying to counter now!
Low kick by Kinchika Maia to maintain his distance.
That hits Kelly Morton's ankle

Kelly Morton fakes a punch and launches himself over Maia!
Nice move by Morton who clinches and pushes Maia against the cage
Kinchika Maia pushes away Morton trying to keep the fight at striking range
Morton stumbles backwards and Kinchika Maia circles to get the center of the cage
Steve Mazzagatti separates the fighters as the round concludes. The fighters shake hands as they head back to their corners.
Kinchika Maia has to be confident that he won that round.

Round 3

These two fighters are showing eachother a ton of respect.

Morton seems hesitant as if he would give the initiative to his opponent.
Bone shattering straight right hand from Kelly Morton!
Maia ducks under...

Kelly Morton tries to bring the fight to the ground
Maia won't budge, forcing Morton to pull guard.

Kinchika Maia is in closed guard over Morton
Maia tries to escape from closed guard...
Maia struggles to liberate his leg and jumps to half guard!

The clock says 0:50 in the 3 round
Kinchika Maia is in half guard over Morton
Kelly Morton tries to close the guard.
Nothing from this effort.

Kinchika Maia is in half guard over Morton
Kelly Morton attempts to move to full guard
Kinchika Maia keeps good control and remains in half guard.

The clock says 1:15 in the 3 round
Kinchika Maia is in half guard over Morton
Kinchika Maia tries to pass Kelly Morton's guard...
Kinchika Maia passes momentarily but Kelly Morton sees and opening and traps him in full guard.

Kinchika Maia is in open guard over Morton
Maia breaths deeply while on the ground

Kinchika Maia is in open guard over Morton
Morton tries to close his guard around Maia
He is not able to do it
The referee decides to stand up the fighters since there was not much action on the ground.
Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. There people who are watching this in venue is cheering up the fighters.

Morton wants to take the fight to his field and tries to clinch.
Morton moves forward and holds Maia
Kinchika Maia tries to shrug his way out of the clinch.
Maia circles out and slips free of Kelly Morton's grip. Nice job of getting out of that position.

A bunch of leg kicks from Kelly Morton
are blocked by Maia.

Kelly Morton goes with a looping right hand while Kinchika Maia jumps back and jabs
Morton seems staggered and Kinchika Maia runs to capitalize with a bunch of jabs and crosses.

Maia and Morton circles around the center of the cage.

Kelly Morton has seen better days.
Morton launches a stiff jab!
Maia ducks that one.
Poorly executed technique. Kinchika Maia looks to counter!
Tremendous strikes from Maia!
Some big punches are landing!
Morton has a small cut in his Chin

Morton decides to launch some tentative punches
Nothing from this exchange. Morton moves back and takes a deep breath.

You can hear some sparse boos from the fans.
Kinchika Maia shoots for a double leg takedown!
He hits it! Kelly Morton is taken off his feet, but he manages to pull Maia into his guard.

The clock says 2:55 in the 3 round
Kinchika Maia is in closed guard over Morton
Maia is in closed guard... Morton tries to roll on the ground!
Kinchika Maia uses his leg to keep his position on the ground

Kinchika Maia is in closed guard over Morton
Maia is in closed guard... Morton tries to roll on the ground!
Kinchika Maia uses his leg to keep his position on the ground

Kinchika Maia is in closed guard over Morton
Kinchika Maia tries to pass Kelly Morton's guard...
Kinchika Maia manages to get his leg free and moves to half guard.

Kinchika Maia is in half guard over Morton
Kelly Morton tries to close the guard.
Nothing from this effort.

Kinchika Maia is in half guard over Morton
Kinchika Maia tries to pass Kelly Morton's guard...
Kinchika Maia manages to get his leg free and moves to side mount.

Kinchika Maia is in side mount over Kelly Morton
Kelly Morton attempts to trap Kinchika Maia in his guard.
Kinchika Maia keeps good control and remains in side mount.

The clock says 3:50 in the 3 round
Kinchika Maia is in side mount over Kelly Morton
Morton tries to show some ground skills
Maia uses his strength to keep Maia in disadvantage

Kinchika Maia is in side mount over Kelly Morton
This is starting to resemble a Floyd Mayweather fight. You can here the boos starting.
Kelly Morton struggles not giving a chance to recover to his opponent

Kinchika Maia is in side mount over Kelly Morton
Kelly Morton attempts to trap Kinchika Maia in his guard.
Kinchika Maia keeps good control and remains in side mount.
Steve Mazzagatti has seen enough pasivity on the ground and stand the fighters.
Both fighters continue the fight on his feet. You can hear how the people agreed with that decision.

Some of the people here is booing!
Morton looks for angles as he throws a few jabs that are countered by Kinchika Maia's punches
Morton is in the receiving end of a great combo by Maia.

These two fighters are showing eachother a ton of respect.

Morton studies is opponent looking for a hole in his defense.

The clock says 4:55 in the 3 round
Brilliant combination from Kinchika Maia
that forces Morton to try and defend better.
Steve Mazzagatti separates the fighters as the round concludes. The fighters shake hands as they head back to their corners.
Kelly Morton has to be confident that he won that round.

Judge: Kelly Morton 10 9 9: 28
Judge: Kinchika Maia 9 10 10: 29

Judge: Kelly Morton 10 9 10: 29
Judge: Kinchika Maia 9 10 9: 28

Judge: Kelly Morton 10 9 10: 29
Judge: Kinchika Maia 9 10 9: 28

Winner is Kelly Morton by Split decision at 5:00 Round 3

Statistics: Kelly Morton
Punches 3/13 (23%)
Kicks 0/7 (0%)
Clinch strikes 0/1 (0%)
Takedowns 0/4 (0%)
GnP strikes 1/1 (100%)
Submissions 0/0 (0%)
Clinches 6/7 (86%)
Damage caused 29,97
Clinch Damage 0
Ground Damage 4,13
Time on the ground 421 s

Statistics: Kinchika Maia
Punches 18/26 (69%)
Kicks 1/2 (50%)
Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%)
Takedowns 4/4 (100%)
GnP strikes 0/0 (0%)
Submissions 1/1 (100%)
Clinches 0/0 (0%)
Damage caused 229,33
Clinch Damage 0
Ground Damage 0
Time on the ground 401 s
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