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Old 08-28-2016, 01:15 AM   #551
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
The few remaining vines that survive your deadly blows rapidly disappear into the canopy of branches and, within seconds of your victory, the jungle becomes deathly silent once more. You wipe your weapon against the trunk of a tree to remove the worst of the foul-smelling ichor, and then you move back along the trail towards the beach. However, when you reach the edge of the trees you see a patrol of scaly-winged reptiles swooping and gliding along the rocky shoreline. They have discovered the remains of the canoe and are now searching the beach for signs of survivors.

Rather than risk being spotted by these vicious-looking creatures, you stay hidden beneath the jungle canopy and return once more along the trail. At the place where you had previously been halted by the curtain of bloodsucking vines, you now discover the way ahead is open and you press on until you come to the edge of a large clearing. This expanse of level ground is devoid of foliage yet it is littered with strange fruits that resemble gigantic grey pineapples. Beyond these curious fruits you can see the ruins of a settlement partially overgrown with moss. Warily you make your way around the fruits and across the clearing towards a statue which is crouching amongst the ruins. It is constructed of a smooth, lustrous black mineral and is fashioned in the likeness of some evil beast of prey. It reminds you of a hyena, but one with a massive lower jaw set with a pair of sabre-toothed fangs. Between its forelegs is a flight of rubble-strewn steps leading down to an open door. You detect waves of power emanating from somewhere beyond this darkened doorway, but you are unable to determine just how deep below the ground the source of this energy is located.

(I use telegnosis)

You crouch down among some mossy boulders directly opposite the stairwell to the open entrance. Then, using your Grand Mastery, you let yourself slip into the trance-state that will allow your conscious mind to leave your corporeal body. You continue to see your surroundings as they would appear to your physical eyes, but now you are able to transport yourself freely through the air like a bird.

You glide towards the statue and swoop down through the open portal, pausing momentarily to scan the surrounding arch for hidden traps.

Detecting none, you continue deeper into the darkness of this alien edifice. A wide stone ramp descends to a sealed portal which is engraved with runes. You cannot immediately decipher them but you sense that they are evil in design and possess some destructive power locked within their jagged forms. Then the sound of a growl, above and far away, makes you suddenly fearful for the safety of your physical body, and so you leave the portal and ascend rapidly to the surface where you rejoin your dormant form. (Unless you have attained the Kai rank of Sun Lord or higher, you lose 2 ENDURANCE points due to the haste with which you have returned to your corporeal body.)

Having already reconnoitred the entrance to your satisfaction, you are able to descend the steps and enter the base of the statue with confidence. You follow the stone ramp down to the sealed portal where you carefully examine the runes which cover every square inch of its surface. You are beginning to fathom some of their secrets when suddenly you hear a noise above and behind you. Instantly you spin on your heel and reach for your weapon, but the outline that you see silhouetted in the archway at the top of the ramp is so shocking that you are unable to close your trembling hand upon it.

Framed in the archway is a snarling, sabre-toothed beast with eyes that radiate darkness, like two dull satanic orbs. It is hyena-like, and its hunched shoulders and straggly mane lend it an uncanny resemblance to the statue which sits atop this subterranean vault. Vile saliva drips from its fangs and snout, and an evil sound—part snickering, part bubbling—issues from its massive jaw.

Slowly and deliberately it descends the ramp towards you. As it moves you notice that the ribs of its great frame are showing through its furry hide, giving it an emaciated appearance. Your senses detect that it is starving and that it sees you as the answer to its gnawing hunger.

(I give it honey)

he creature is halfway down the ramp when it pauses to sniff the cool air. With a snickering sound, it crinkles back its snout and allows a stream of saliva to trickle freely from its quavering jaw. In its present state of ravenous hunger it has detected the aroma of something it finds even more enticing than the scent of human flesh: Muntaag honey.

You sense the cause of its sudden delirium and hurriedly you retrieve from your Backpack the package of leaves which contains the honey. The beast lets out a desperate howl and quickly you hurl the package towards the entrance to prevent it from leaping wildly upon you. As the beast scrambles up the ramp, you turn your attention to the portal and attempt to find a way to open it. Using your advanced Kai skills you are able to decipher enough of the runic text to discover the secret code which keeps it secure. Confidently you press a section of the surface and it moves inwards with an audible clunk! Moments later, the portal creaks open and you hurry through it, slamming it shut behind you to prevent the ravenous beast following.
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